20. Funerals and CEO's

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Stella looked in the mirror smoothing down her black dress. She had helped Tony prepare the funeral and invited everyone she could think of. He had enough going on with suddenly being thrust into leadership at the company. Tony knocked on her door letting her know it was time to get going.

The funeral was beautiful and spectacular, everything you would expect for the Starks. Stella stayed at Tony's side the entire time as they said goodbye to their parents. No one knew Stella's true connection, outside of a very small circle, to the Starks. Howard had said it would be better if her true power and identity stayed a secret.

Once the funeral was over she and Tony made their way to the car and started the ride back home.

"Thank you, Ella, for doing all this you made it perfect."

"I'm sorry we had to do this at all Tony, you didn't deserve this."

"Stella, how many times do we have to go over this? It was an accident, that's all. You lost them too you know."

"I know Tony, but they were your parents I'm just-"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence you're family and you know it. Dad and mom both loved you. You're my sister, I know we aren't supposed to tell people about you but it doesn't change what you are."

Stella's tears flowed freely from her eyes and she nodded. Tony held her hand for the rest of the ride. That was the last time for a while that Tony and Stella were close and didn't end up at each other's throats.


As Tony took over as CEO his ego grew to be nearly unbearable. Stella was currently sat next to Obadiah Stane who she was less than fond of. Tony was, of course, a no-show and Obadiah accepted the award on his behalf. She made her way down to the casino with Rhodey and he handed Tony the award.

"Look Tony you got another award and I got blisters from these horrible shoes, were both winners." As much as she knew it shouldn't she had to admit it annoyed her that none of the accomplishments she'd helped Tony make would be recognized.

"Want me to cut in half Ella?" Tony asked patronizingly.

Stella rolled her eyes and walked away Tony calling after her that it was just a joke and to lighten up. She met Happy out at the car and he gave her a sympathizing look. "You know I keep telling myself he'll grow up Hap, that he's still trying to process his grief. But it gets more and more difficult every day not to knock him out." Happy chuckled at her and Tony finally joined them as reporters swarmed him. A blonde caught his attention and Stella gagged Pepper nudged her in the side but smiled. Stella loved Pepper, she was good for Tony kept him on track. She was humble and refused to take Tony's crap. "Care to take me home Pep, looks like my seat has been taken." Pepper agreed and dropped her off saying goodbye and letting her know she'd be back in the morning. Stella went straight up to her room and went to bed asking Jarvis to play music so she didn't have to hear Tony and his new friend all night.

She woke up the next morning and fixed herself and Pepper some coffee they had a routine of drinking a cup every morning and trying to go through Tony's schedule. Pepper excused herself to take care of Tony's latest sleepover grabbing the woman's clothes and taking them to her. Stella couldn't resist she knew this one wouldn't go as easy as the others. She made her way to the living room just as Pepper told the woman there was a car waiting for her.

"You must be the famous Pepper Potts," the blonde said.

"Indeed I am."

"After all these years Tony still has you picking up the dry cleaning."

Stella scoffed and rolled her eyes at the woman's brazenness. "I wouldn't go there if I were you."

"No, it's okay Stella," Pepper said looking back at her raising her hand. Stella leaned against the wall knowing exactly where this conversation would lead. "I do anything and everything that Mr. Stark requires. Including occasionally taking out the trash, will that be all?" She said with a sweet smile.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Pepper and Stella saw the reporter whose name she had learned was Christine out and then went down to Tony's lab together.

"J, mind turning off Tony's crap music."

"Of course Stella," the A.I. responded causing Tony to whine.

Pepper ran over his itinerary and tried to get him to sign papers, but as usual, he was being stubborn and flirty.

"Christ Anthony, sign the damn papers it's her birthday and we have plans." Stella scolding rolling her eyes.

"Well get yourself something nice from me."

"Already handled it, Tony. Pepper I'm going to go get ready I'll be done in fifteen you handle the toddler." With that Stella left and went upstairs throwing on nice jeans and a tank top. She loved the weather in Malibu but still missed her home in Brooklyn. Once she had finished her minimal makeup she threw her hair into a ponytail and made her way back downstairs. "Tony gone?" Stella asked and Pepper nodded. "well then let's go birthday girl lunch is on me and shopping after is on my brother."

Pepper and Stella ate at a nice restaurant then went shopping on Rodeo Drive together.

"So you and my brother?"

"Stella no, don't we were having such a nice day," Pepper laughed.

"Oh come on, we both know you like him. You're good for him, you ground him."

"Why don't we talk about the fact you've refused to work at Stark Industries for years now, a company you also inherited."

"I don't know I love the good we do, I love the advancements we've made. I just hate the weapons aspect it's hard to know who to trust anymore."

"You mean Obadiah."

"That obvious that I hate him?"

"To everyone but him, I don't think he can process the thought of someone not liking him."

The rest of the day was spent shopping and with pleasant conversation. Stella arrived back at the malibu mansion and took a long bath. When she got out her she grabbed her phone and saw she had twenty-three missed calls from Pepper she went to call her back when she heard her friend calling for her from inside the house. Stella quickly threw on some clothes and walked down to the living room to see a hysterical Pepper.

"Why didn't answer your phone?"

"I was taking a bath what's going on?"

"Tony, his envoy was attacked."

"What do you mean attacked is he okay?"

"He's missing Stella."

AN: Finally back into the MCU timeline!!!

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now