29. Battle of New York Part 3

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"Hey Clint, how are you feeling," Stella asked entering the room they were holding him in.

"Like I had a God messing with my head. I'm sorry for shooting you."

"No worries, I know it wasn't you. We need your help though, both of you," she said looking over to Nat. "How do you feel about some payback?"

Stella ran them through the plan when Steve came and got them telling them to suit up. Stella quickly got dressed and got onto the Quinjet. "Where's Tony?"

"He went ahead. Loki's headed to New York."

"Typical brother, not sharing."


The four made their way to New York and arrived to see it in chaos.

Natasha let Tony know once they arrived and he asked if they had stopped at a drive-thru.

"Yeah, was feeling a little peckish can't fight on an empty stomach," Stella responded.

They made their way up park engaging with the Chitauri army before seeing Loki on top of Stark Tower.

"Nat do you mind shooting him, I don't appreciate him desecrating my brother's hard work."

"You got it." The red-headed spy responded before aiming the large gun at Loki and shooting. He retaliated shooting them out of the sky with his scepter.

"I'm really sick of being shot at with that thing," Stella said as the jet went down Steve had grabbed a bar above him and wrapped his free arm around Stella's waist to keep her from getting hurt. They made a crash landing and Steve let go setting her down as everyone got up and started walking out. "Clint as far as landings go I'm giving that a solid eight out of ten."

"I take back what I said about shooting you."

"We got to get back up there," the supersoldier said as a large beast exited the portal. The four looked up in shock to see it flying over them deploying more of the army from its sides.


"Stella, let's get down there and help minimize damage where we can try and contain the blasts."

Stella nodded running down with Steve to protect the civilians while Nat and Clint stayed at their position. She went from bringing the earth up to protect people to holding the large fireballs back. Steve gave orders to the cops and they did as they were told after Steve and Stella took out more of the creatures in front of them.

"I'd listen to him, that's Captain America after all," she said with a smile and wink causing Steve to roll his eyes at her.

"Let's get back to Natasha and Clint."

Stella nodded and they made their way back cutting down as many Chitauri as they could on their way. One was about to hit Stella from behind when Thor arrived frying it with lightning. "Thanks."

Stella takes a moment to catch her breath trying to keep her energy in mind and not waste any as Steve starts spouting orders.

"I have unfinished business with Loki," the God says.

"Get in line," Clint replies

"No seriously."

"Save it," Steve interrupts "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us," he was interrupted by Bruce arriving on an old beat-up motorcycle.

She heard Tony say he was bringing the party to them.

"I don't see how that's a party," Nat replied

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now