13. Ice

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A plan was forged once they found out where Schmidt was. Stella found herself alongside Colonel Phillip's and the Howling Commandos as they stormed the bunker. They took out several Hydra soldiers and made their way to the hanger. Peggy met up with them as they found a car they all hopped in gaining on Steve as the bomber was starting to leave the hanger. Phillip's stopped to let Steve get into the car with them and Stella moved into the small seat in the back with Peggy. They barreled towards the bomber getting Steve close enough to hop on.

"Hold it steady," Steve ordered.

"Wait," Peggy ordered before grabbing Steve and kissing him causing Stella to fake retch at the sight.

Steve looked stunned towards Stella then Colonel Phillips.

"Well, I'm not going to kiss you," Phillips said. Steve nodded and jumped onto the bomber's landing gear. Phillips hit the brakes as they were approaching the ledge and the car skidded to a halt barely making it. The back wheels dangled off the edge and Peggy stood looking after Steve.

"Carter, sit down we're already a breath from death and I plan on seeing my friend later," Stella scolded pulling her to sit down. They eventually made their way to the control tower and waited for Steve to radio them his progress. Stella paced back and forth hoping on everything she could she wouldn't lose Steve too.

"Stella, Agent Carter come in," Steve's voice rang out over the radio.

Stella and Peggy rushed to the transmitter pushing the man out of their way. Peggy was the first to speak.

"Steve, is that you? We are here are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Where's Schmidt?"

"He's dead."

"What about the plane?" Stella chimed in.

"That's a little harder to explain."

"Give me your coordinates, we'll find you a landing site"

"There isn't going to be a landing. Schmidt's locked the navigation system," Steve said, and Stella Peggy shared a knowing look. "And there's more than enough power to reach the East Coast."

Stella shook her head not wanting to give up this easily. "I'll get Howard on the line, Stevie, he'll know what to do."

"I'm sitting on a hundred tons of explosives Stells. Hotwiring this thing's not an option. I've got to put her in the water."

"I thought you said you couldn't steer it," Peggy said not yet catching on to what he was saying.

"I can't, but I think I can crash it."

"Stevie don't do this. We've got time, we'll figure this out don't make me lose you too."

"I already did. Right now, I'm in the middle of nowhere. If I wait any longer, a lot of people are going to get hurt. This is my choice Stells."

Stella dropped her head trying her best to hold back the tears threatening to spill she took a breath and looked back up nodding.

"We'll send out rescue ships to find you," Peggy said not ready to give up.

"I don't think there's going to be much to find. Peggy?"

"Yes, I'm here."

"I think I'm going to need to take a raincheck on that drink."

"All right. A week Saturday. The Stork Club."

"Okay. You got it. I'll be there."

"8:00 on the dot. Don't you dare be late? Got it?"

"Understood let me talk to Stells"

Stella grabbed the transmitter from Peggy and sat down. "Stevie I'm here."

"I'm really sorry I keep breaking promises to you."

"No, it's okay Stevie you know I'll always forgive you. I'm going to find you okay?"

"I love you Stells, I needed to tell you before that mission Bucky was-"

The radio cut out and sobs wracked Stella's body. The sadness in the room was palpable and even the Colonel who had hated to admit that he had grown to like Stella, felt for her at that moment. He grabbed her pulling her away from the control panel and let her cry into his shoulder trying his best to comfort her.

Stella looked over to Peggy who was also crying and her anger once again took over her. "Why in the hell are you so upset."

Peggy just looked at her and rolled her eyes, "You know I loved him too right?"

"Love? Please, you kissed him one time! You got mad at him when any other girl gave him any attention even though you never believed in him until he got the serum. Did you forget that you tried to shoot him?"

"I always liked him-"

Peggy was cut off by Stella punching her giving her a split lip "Don't you dare lie to me, Peggy Carter. You may have had Steve fooled in the end, but not me. You have no right to share in this grief he's been my friend since thirteen. You barely knew him." Before Stella could throw another punch the Colonel grabbed her pulling her back. "Let me go I could kill her right now, just another war casualty, you said so yourself she's insubordinate who would miss her?"

The Colonel never loosened his grip on the girl and it took him and two other men pulling her back to get her out of the room.  "Stella that's enough Steve and Bucky would both tell you she's not worth it. You know she isn't, be angry that's okay I understand that. But killing her and landing yourself in trouble isn't going to bring them back."

They took her back to Howard a few days later and as soon as he looked at her he engulfed her into a hug. "We're going to look for him Ella, don't you worry."

"I tried to get them to that day, but they refused they said there's no way he survived. I can't believe that Howard, anyone else maybe but not Steve. I know he's still out there."

"I believe you Stella let's start trying to figure out where he is." 

Howard and Stella kept looking for Steve, but it always came up empty. They had managed to locate the tesseract, but Steve's body was still out there somewhere. Howard had seemed to start to give up. Stella knew he was just indulging her search so she had decided to go looking by herself. She was currently packing her things when Howard entered her room.

"You really doing this?"

"I have to Howard, he's still out there, a part of me knows they both are. They wouldn't leave me."

Howard nodded and started to help Stella pack her things. "I'll arrange for you to be dropped off at his last known location, and I'll get you some supplies. Once you find him or are ready to come back hit the transmitter so we can come back and get you."

Stella nodded and hugged Howard in thanks. "You've helped me far more than I deserved."

"I know I'm only a few years older than you Ella, but you're like my kid in a weird way. If you say they're still alive I believe you. Just, be careful out there okay?"

Stella nodded "Does this mean I can call you dad and get an allowance?"

"Don't push your luck kid," Howard said ruffling her hair with a chuckle.

Within a few days, Stella was sat on a plane taking her to her destination. She pulled the heavy jacket onto her as they landed and bid the pilot goodbye making her way to the barren icy landscape. She walked for her miles before reaching the last place Steve was seen on the radar. A flash of green to her left grabbed her attention and she spun around to see a strange man looking at her with an unsettling smile.

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now