8. Project Rebirth

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Stella spent the next few hours trying to wrap her mind around what had happened Steve refused to leave her side. To say he was infuriated with Bucky would be an understatement. He didn't think Bucky would ever break up with Stella last he knew he was planning on proposing. No one could understand Stella's pain right now better than Steve. He stayed by her side while she made arrangements and was there during the funeral. Steve wasn't surprised to see most of Rose's co-workers present along with several past patients of hers attend to show their support to Stella. The Turners had no other family even Mrs. Franklin had passed a few years back so their community stepped up and helped mourn Rose.

Rose Turner just like her daughter touched people's lives and left a lasting impact, that is what made them so special. Stella did her best to stay strong she knew it wasn't what anyone expected from her, but she couldn't bring herself to break down in front of these people. Only Steve knew just how much she was hurting, he was the one who heard her screaming in the middle of the night due to nightmares he was the one who would hold her until she fell back asleep. It got to the point he had decided to just start staying in her room as he would end up there anyway. They were set to leave the day after the funeral Stella, for her internship and Steve, for the start of Project Rebirth.

"I can't believe there's a chance we'll end up working together," Stella said as they started packing.

"Only if they accept me, but hey you've gotta be excited about getting to work with Stark."

"I am, I just wish things would've started differently you know. But I guess it's a good thing I'm getting away. I need a change of scenery and to be busy or I think I'll end up spiraling, and they'd be stupid not to choose you."

The next morning the two made their way to New Jersey going their separate ways for the day. Stella met up with Howard and he offered his condolences before quickly getting her adapted to the lab.

"I can't thank you enough for this opportunity, Mr. Stark."

"Please it's Howard, and your help will be invaluable Stella you're brilliant, maybe not as much as me," Howard said with a grin "we should get started we've got a lot to do, and never enough time."

Stella nodded and got to work on formulations and possible side effects to watch for she was so engrossed in research she worked straight through the day. She couldn't believe just what they were planning she understood why the project was so important it could turn the war around for the better.

Stella decided to be finished for the day saying her goodnight to her mentor, she made her way to her bunk exhausted. The next few weeks were carried out the same way, early mornings and late nights, she barely had any time to see Steve but the work kept her nightmares at bay. Howard and she took on a strange working relationship he was a great mentor and acted more like a father than a boss. He loved working with Stella she was far more capable and intelligent than people had given her credit for in the past. She was a hard worker and would make leaps in bounds in any field she pursued.

After several weeks Stella was told Steve was chosen and she made Howard pay her the owed money after they had placed a bet. He had chosen Hodge, Stella knew better, he wouldn't make a good super-soldier he'd let his anger get the best of him and end up ripping someone's head off over a misunderstanding. Stella prepped the lab in Brooklyn the morning of the operation and found a moment to talk to Steve after he arrived.

"How are you feeling Stevie, ready for today?"

"Only slightly nervous, but having my best friend here is definitely helping."

"Who's the girl with you?"

"Oh, that's Peggy, she escorted me here I don't think she thought it would be me."

"Well, then she's dumb and I'm not a fan."

Steve merely laughed and shook his head at his overprotective friend.

Dr. Erskine took over with Steve, and Stella went back to the panel at Howard's side to help him monitor everything.

"How are your levels, Mr. Stark, Miss Turner," the Doctor asked.

"Coils are at peak, levels are 100%. We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we're ready. As we'll ever be," Stella replied for them.

Steve asked Howard if he managed to get the car to fly and Howard told him for three minutes causing Steve to ask what happened.

"We landed," Howard said with a shrug "technically."

"You're not instilling any confidence in him Howard," Stella warned catching the look on her friend's face. "Don't worry Stevie I've got you. Excuse me Agent Carter maybe you'd be more comfortable in the booth and out of our way."

Stella rolled her eyes at the way Steve looked after her and finished setting up as Erkskine went through his monologue Stella gave Steve a shot.

"That wasn't so bad."

"That was a tetanus shot." Stella got out of the way and went to look at the levels with Howard as the Doctor finished his part. The countdown had begun and they were given the order to begin. As Steve was closed in Erkskine asked if he could hear him, Steve said something about it being too late to go to the bathroom. Stark threw the switch and reactors came online. Stella watched as the levels climbed her heart rate doing the same. Once it reached 90 Steve screamed in pain and Peggy came rushing down telling them to shut it down.

"No!" The two friends yelled in unison.

"I can do this," Steve said and Howard looked to Stella for confirmation she nodded and Howard gave the dial a final turn the dial reaching 100. Everything went dark and the EKG whined a flat line. Stella rushed to the chamber along with everyone else and Howard opened it steam pouring out. Stella gasped her chest feeling tight as she saw her friend once again. "My God, I knew you could do it."

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now