4. The Attack

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TW: Hey guys this chapter and the next both deal with themes of attempted SA. Please feel free to skip this chapter. I felt like it was important to add because it does develop Stella as a character, but also because writing about this was very cathartic for me and has helped me work through my assault. I wanted to write this because at the end of the day Stella's story is my DR and I wanted a situation where I made it out of my assault. That being said please don't harm yourself by reading this. 

National Sexual Assault HotlineHours: Available 24 hours 1-800-656-4673

When you call 800.656.HOPE (4673), you'll be routed to a local RAINN affiliate organization based on the first six digits of your phone number. Cell phone callers have the option to enter the ZIP code of their current location to more accurately locate the nearest sexual assault service, provider.

The next three years passed in a blur and the three grew into teenagers before their parent's eyes, still as close as they were the day they met. Stella's hair now reached to her lower back and she had grown into her awkwardly long legs. Bucky had grown considerably taller and was much more muscled than his former kid self, though that was expected from the athlete. Steve was still small, still scrawny, but his penchant for getting into fights with bullies was still very much present. Stella helped where she could both boys not liking her getting into fights with them so Bucky tended to keep her and Steve out of the way. She was finally gaining the attention of boys her own age not that any of them interested her. No, the boy she still harbored a crush for her was one of her very best friends. After that first kiss on the cheek, Bucky had never seemed to show any real interest in her. So she made sure to cover it up by giving the occasional kiss to both boys on the cheek or even hold their hands in a friendly way.

Stella was making her way to their usual meeting spot taking a more private route down back alleyways even after Bucky and Steve telling her several times not to because of some rather unsavory characters that spent their time there. Usually, luck was with Stella and she never ran into anyone, unfortunately, luck seemed to be away today. Stella passed a few of the more troublesome neighborhood boys them cat-calling and trying to get her attention. She found the best course of action with this particular group was usually just to ignore them and keep going. The groups' leader Daniel had been trying for some time to get Stella to agree to a date with him, but she always turned him down. Today her usual plan didn't work and the boys started following her she just had to make it five more minutes and she would be at their meeting spot and they'd leave her be as soon as they saw the boys.

"Stella, come on doll-face slow down we just want to talk to ya," Daniel called earning laughs from his lackeys her doing her best to ignore them and keep walking her head held high. "I said stop," he demanding grabbing her wrist tightly and spinning her around to face him.

Stella did her best not to show him any fear remembering what Bucky had told her a thousand times "Don't show them you're scared, ever, because when you do they know they've won."

"Let me go, Daniel, I'm not interested you know this, how many times do I have to tell you that before it sticks in your thick head," Stella said forcing her voice not to waver. Daniel's friends laughed again, but this time at the rejection their leader had just received only causing him to become enraged. Girls didn't tell him no, no one did and he would get what he wanted especially now that she made him look bad.

"Now that's no way to talk to a man Stella." Daniel increased pressure on her wrist bruises sure to form later and his other hand gripped at the collar of her shirt. "Since you won't just go on a date and give me what I want I suppose I'll just have to take it myself." he pulled once again on her shirt the worn fabric ripping. "What luck we have too, no sign of your protectors anywhere."

Stella's heart hammered in her chest as Daniel forcibly kissed her she tried to shove him off, but it was useless he was bigger and stronger. Even if she could get away he had three others with him now just as riled up at the prospect of having their way with her. She refused to just back down without a fight though and wound her fist back hitting him as hard as she possibly could. It worked for a moment it had startled all of them and she seemed to get a good hit on him. He reeled back from him cradling his nose in his hand blood starting to flow from it.

"That looks like it hurt. Good" she thought.

Her third mistake of that day was reveling in her ability to inflict him pain for a moment too long. He recovered quickly,  ignoring the most likely broken nose quickly, and was able to catch up to her in a few quick strides. He tackled her to the ground and pinned her under him punching her in the face it making an impact with her cheek and eye.

"Bucky, Steve!" Stella called out with a blood-chilling scream hoping they might hear her and come to help her. She went to scream out for help again when a hand clamped over her mouth from one of Daniel's friends.

"None of that now doll, you can leave when we are all done with you," one of the others said. Stella couldn't be sure her mind was racing too fast even though it seemed like life was moving through slow motion. She couldn't focus on any one voice all her mind seemed to be able to pinpoint were the feelings of hands ripping at her clothes. Stella has just enough fight left in her to bite the hand over her mouth.


Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ