27. Battle of New York Part 1

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"Agent Stark I need you to come with me."

Within an hour Stella was getting off a helicopter at a S.H.I.E.L.D. base and Agent Coulson was filling in Nick on what was going on it wasn't until she heard the word Tesseract that her interest was piqued.

"I'm sorry did you say the Tesseract was here and you're testing on it?"

"Not testing no one was anywhere near it." Coulson corrected.

"Stella you have the most experience with it we need you here," Nick said before demanding a quicker evacuation.

She quickly walked down into the lab looking over the calculations and shaking her head not liking what she was seeing. She looked over to see Nick and Clint talking "Dr. it's spiking again," she called over to Selvig. "I'm kind of out of my depth here Nick."

As the Tesseract gave another surge of energy Stella ran over to Nick and Clint's side preparing to protect them. A figure came out and Stella summoned fire as soon as they raised their head.

"Sir, please put down the spear," Nick commanded.

Loki raised his weapon and thrust it forward sending agents flying backward. Gunshots rang out and before Stella could get a hit in she was hit by a blast too. Loki stepped over her and made his way to Clint touching the spear to his chest. She watched as her friend seemed to go into a trance and await Loki's orders. Nick had put the Tesseract in a briefcase and stood and tried to stall giving a subtle nod to Stella. Clint warned Loki what his plan was and Clint pulled his gun on both Stella and Nick shooting them both.

"Stark get to Coulson now."

Stella nodded getting back up and pulling the bullet from her vest glad she had decided to wear it.

She ran as fast as she could through the facility and found Coulson quickly telling him to leave everything and get out. They got into the truck together and Stella used her powers to keep the earth from collapsing beneath them. Once they had made it out a safe distance Stella looked over the wreckage of the facility and disbelief. Coulson called for Nick over the radio and he responded letting them know Loki had gotten away, she and Phil were to get back to base and await further orders.

"He's going to call for The Avengers Initiative isn't he?" Stella asked.

"I believe he is."

They were told to go recruit her brother immediately Nick hoped Stella showing up might sway Tony's decision to join.

She and Phil stepped out of the elevator on Tony's private floor in Stark tower. Pepper saw her and quickly got up to hug her.

"How have you been Stella, I've missed you."

"I've been good Pepper, I've missed you too how's it been going trying to keep my brother in line?"

"About as well as always."

Tony was refusing to take the file from Phil and Pepper took it handing it to Tony handing Stella her champagne glass.

"What no hi to your sister?"

"Hi Ella, official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday as you know."

"This isn't a consultation," Phil said.

"Is this about the Avengers, which I know nothing about?"

"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped and I thought I didn't even qualify," Tony said taking the file over to his monitors.

"I didn't know that either."

"Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed,"

"Don't play well with others," Stella finished earning a glare from Tony.

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now