21. Hostage

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"I should be out there looking for him Obadiah, why won't you let me go." Stella was currently in her least favorite board members office trying to get all information she could on Tony's disappearance.

"Stella, you know the rules you can't tell people about your connection to Tony. If they think he has a sister they'd be after you as well."

"Then at the very least tell me where he last was and what the hell they are doing to find him," she demanded.

"We both know if do that you'll go looking for him and get yourself into trouble, just lay low and stay home."

Stella left with a huff and went back home. Going down to Tony's lab she spent all her time trying to track Tony with any help from JARVIS she could get. The days started to meld together and she wasn't sure whether it was day or night. "Stella, Miss Potts is here to see you," JARVIS announced.

"Yeah, tell her I'm down here."

"Stella," Pepper's voice came from the door she didn't look up from the screen she was currently examining. "Stells, have you even left the lab since the last time I saw you."

"When was that again."

"Ten days ago, and I'm taking that as a no. Have you slept or ate anything?"

"She's slept a total of eight hours since you were last here and hasn't eaten enough to sustain herself," JARVIS chimed in.


"Stells, go shower I'm ordering us some food and then you're going to sleep.  We can start again in the morning."

"Pepper I can't sleep or eat knowing he's out there. I need to find him he's my responsibility. I made a promise to our dad that I'd protect him I can't fail him. If anything happens to him I'll never forgive myself."

"Stella you're not doing him any good wasting away yourself, now quit being as stubborn as your brother and go."

She obeyed the warm shower soothing muscles that she didn't even realize were sore and after Pepper brought in food and they ate. Pepper went through everything that was going on to find Tony and then forced her up to her room to sleep. She fell asleep as soon and her body hit the bed her exhaustion taking over and causing her to sleep for fifteen uninterrupted hours. The next day when she woke up and Pepper was waiting for her downstairs they spent every day after that trying to figure out where Tony may be and how this happened. She had a theory and she just needed proof. Before Stella knew it three months had passed and when she was starting to lose hope she was told that Tony had been located. She rushed with Happy to pick up Pepper and meet him at the airbase.

It felt like she could finally breathe again when she saw him walk out and looked over at Pepper who had tears in her eyes in a wide smile on her face.

"So, now will you admit you're in love with him?" Stella teased.

"I'm not I just like this job."

"Uh-huh sure."

They got into the car and Stella looked at her brother, "I'm glad you're okay, but the weapons are enough. They're the reason you got captured Tony, you could've died it's time to put them behind us."

"Happy, burger king please, and Pepper that press conference all set?" Tony said ignoring Stella causing her to roll her eyes.

They arrived at the press conference and Stella mingled for a moment before seeing Coulson talking to Pepper. She made her way over to the pair and Coulson gave her a knowing look making her nervous. Tony made his way to the front and gave the announcement that Stark Industries would no longer partake in weapons manufacturing. Stella was shocked but so grateful. Tony seemed to be different, more like the Howard she knew in the beginning.


They spent time together working on Tony's new suit laughing and bouncing ideas off each other. She'd scold him for being rude to DUM-E and within a few weeks, they had an operational suit running. Stella sat anxiously while Tony took his first test flight and once he returned she jumped back in shock as he fell through the ceiling onto one of his precious cars.

"JARVIS what would you give that landing?"

"I think a two is generous enough Stella," JARVIS responded.

"You know, it's not right my A.I. favors you, Ella. I should reprogram him."

"You wouldn't dare,"

After getting ice Tony came back to the lab noting the package Pepper had left for him. He saw that she had refashioned his first arc reactor and Stella came up beside him seeing the inscription "Proof that Tony Stark has a heart".

"So, when are you gonna admit you're in love with her?"

"She's a good assistant."


"We've got a party to attend Ella, go put something nice on. You look like a homeless mechanic."

"I really hate you sometimes, I'm glad to have my brother back though."

The event was uneventful for Stella until Christine found her grilling her about Stark Industries' involvement in Gulmira. She took the reporter to Tony immediately this was the proof she needed. After Christine showed him everything Stella looked at Tony pulling him slightly to the side. "It's Obadiah, I've had theories for months even while you were missing this just proves it." Sure enough, a mere twenty minutes later and the man in question confirmed it Tony himself. Saying that he moved to remove Tony from the board and have Stella marked as an illegitimate option to inherit the company.

To say Tony went off the deep end was an understatement, he felt betrayed in a way he never expected. He went to Gulmira to enact his vengeance to make things right. Stella entered the lab with Pepper when he had gotten back and was trying to remove the suit. He made a few more smart-ass comments and Stella smirked at him.

"Stella don't you dare"

"Hey J?"

"Yes Stella," JARVIS responded.

"Let him hang out there for another fifteen minutes at least please."

"As you wish."

"I'm reprogramming him today to no longer listen to you," Tony called after them.

"Good luck with that Sir." JARVIS replied.


Everything that followed seemed to happen within a blink of an eye Tony had Stella protect Pepper while he and Obadiah fought and she used her powers for the first time in a while to destroy the arc reactor killing Stane. Coulson helped cover everything and asked Stella to consider joining S.H.I.E.L.D. she had to admit it would be nice to stop hiding. They were preparing for another press conference where Tony was supposed to use the cover story. Something Stella knew he was unlikely to do. She watched from the back of the room when Tony and her made eye contact, she gave him a reassuring nod and laid the cards down.

"I'd like to introduce you all to someone formally, Stella please," Tony gestured to her taking her by surprise. She moved to the front of the room and stood beside him, "This is Stella Rose Stark I know there's been speculation for years about who she is and how she is connected to my family. She is my sister and was formally known for helping my father on Project Rebirth she is a brilliant mind that has been of tremendous value to the Stark name for years now."

Reporters started clamoring asking questions before Tony quieted them once more "Oh, and I am Iron Man."

AN: There's the end of Iron Man. What do you think will happen next? Any theories about Stella? Should she join SHIELD?

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now