30. After New York

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AN: Over 400 reads I'm trying to wrap my mind around that and it's impossible. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I want you to know I see every vote, comment, and add to your reading lists. Thank you so much.

After New York, Steve officially joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nick had the pair move to D.C. together to work as a team. They had a small apartment together that they stayed in between missions. Steve had convinced her to take up running with him waking up every morning at the crack of dawn.

They had just gotten back from their daily run and she was working on fixing a late breakfast for the two when her phone started ringing on the counter.

"Steve we've got to get to headquarters looks like we have a mission!" Stella called out before heading to her room to get dressed.

They arrived at headquarters and Rumlow met them on the launch pad handing them both tablets with the mission file. He smiled at Stella staying close to her side as they all got on the jet.

"A band of weapons smugglers popped up near the Mediterranean Sea and going into Greece. They call themselves paidiá tou Ári " Rumlow reported.

"Children of Ares? They couldn't come up with something a little more original?" Stella chided.

"Since when do you speak Greek?" her friend asked shocked.

"I speak seven languages Stevie seventy years is a long time. I speak Greek, Latin, French, Russian, Romanian, and Spanish. I also know some sign language too. I traveled after graduating the first time Greece was by far one of my favorite places though I stayed there the longest," she replied with a shrug. "So if they're just smuggling weapons why get us involved this hardly seems like a S.H.I.E.L.D. level threat."

"Because it's not just weapons they also have been selling state secrets. Including information about you." Rumlow replied pulling up the slide and showing her.

She was shocked that they cared enough about her to steal the information on her. She realized she shouldn't have been joining the Avengers put a global target on her back. She should've been prepared for people to see her powers and want them for themselves.

"Don't worry Stella I'll keep you safe," Brock said causing Steve to look at his friend questioningly and her to turn her attention back to the tablet in her hands.

Once they had landed and Steve and Stella exited the aircraft under the cover of nightfall to take down the criminal sect that was just on the outskirts Charakas.

"What was that about back there with Rumlow?"

"Not now Steve please, he has a very misplaced and unreciprocated crush. I can't stand the guy he skeeves me out."

Steve chuckled at his friend and once they had their target in sight they crouched together behind a rock.

"What's the plan Captain?"

"Looks like there's only about twenty should be easy enough. We take them down get what belongs to us and call in the cleanup crew."

"Want to make a friendly wager?"

"No, we aren't doing this again," Steve said adamantly.

"Oh come on this will be boring any other way," the redhead whined "or are you just scared to lose again."

"I let you win last time."

"Sure you did," she said before standing up smirking "one to take down the least idiots does dishes and grocery shopping for two weeks." She took off running over to them pretending to be lost. "Does anyone speak English I need help?"

They looked at her for a moment before it seemed to click in their mind who she was and suddenly several guns were pointed at her.

"Well this isn't the Greek hospitality I remember," Stella smirked and saw Steve's shield come flying from behind her knocking two of the men down.

"That's two for me."

Stella quickly jumped into action using her powers to incapacitate three men with a fireball. "Three for me." Steve and she fought side by side effortlessly. As more guns were fired she'd bring the earth up to protect them from the bullets. They ended up with only three men left, them choosing to abandon their guns for hand to hand. Two went for Stella hoping to overpower her one would throw a punch that she'd easily dodge and the other would try to kick her down. She was light on her feet and took down one trapping his feet before summoning wind to aid in the power of her punch. She knocked him back several feet and the other man came at her again pulling out a large knife. She kept dodging waiting for her opening, he managed to land a punch splitting her lip open. "That was your last mistake," she said threateningly before going on the offensive throwing punch after punch. Steve handled his attacker and went to help Stella. As he reached her she had already knocked the man in front of her down bringing the earth below him around trapping him.

"The whole world will come looking for you Purple Storm." The man threatened.

"That's what they are calling me? How lame, let them come." Stella said with a shrug before kicking him in the side of the head knocking him out.

The rest of the team showed up after Steve had given the all-clear and retrieved both the weapons and all information they had collected. Brock jogged over to her and lifted her chin looking at her bloodied lip. "Are you okay?"

"I'm... fine?" Stella replied removing his hand from her chin and failing at hiding her disgust at him touching her so intimately. She walked backed over to her friend and they boarded the jet together. Steve looked over at her with a smirk and raised an eyebrow. "Don't you dare Steven."


They arrived back at headquarters and cleaned up before their meeting to de-brief. Nick walked in and set her full file in front of her.

"So who won the bet?" the director asked knowing the long-running competition between the two.

"I did," the friends said in unison.

"You so did not Steve I had eleven, you had nine."

"No, you didn't that one guy got back up."

"Oh yeah, which one?"

"The one wearing black."

"They were all wearing black you liar," Stella said with a laugh of disbelief.

"Okay, fine, you won."

"Thank you," Stella said with a nod and Nick passed her a fifty-dollar bill.

"You were betting as well?" Steve asked in disbelief.

"They're calling you the Purple Storm?" he said chuckling.

"Yeah, we are going to have to do something about that. I guess that's what I get for being an Avenger without a cool name. I've been thinking about it though and I made a decision."

"What were you thinking?"

"Nightingale." Steve looked over to her quickly he knew that was the nickname Bucky had given her. It was her way of honoring him and he couldn't think of any name better fitting for her.

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now