17. Give them hell

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The next year passed with Stella learning to hone her powers further. Her first day at MIT was fast approaching, and Stella was doing her best to make sure she could attend school without something triggering her powers. She had three more days until it was time to move into her on-campus apartment and she and Howard were spending the day making sure she'd have everything she'd need. She set the last box into her new home and sighed she'd miss Howard, but he was starting S.H.I.E.L.D. along with Peggy who she still didn't get along with so, it was best for her to be out of the way.

"I'm going to miss having you around Ella," Howard said ruffling her hair causing her to scowl and bat his hand away.

"I'll miss you too, but we both know Peggy and I get along as well as fire and oil."

"Yeah, I know. I still consider her a friend, but know, if push came to shove I'd choose you."

"You only say that because you know I could light you on fire."

"That might have something to do with it."

They unpacked and put away Stella's things for the next few hours and then went to dinner for what would be the last time for a while. Once they arrived back at the apartment Howard made sure once again Stella had everything she might need and all her stuff in order for school. After reassuring him for what seemed like the hundredth time that she would be okay he left. Stella decided to get some rest and left the last few remaining boxes that contained her books for tomorrow.

As she got ready to lay down she noticed a small box wrapped in a box on her bedside table along with a note attached. She picked them up and read the note seeing Howard's familiar scrawl He would be proud of you the words he had written hit Stella in the chest and she worked to fight back both her tears and her powers from emerging. She opened the box to find dog tags the tears came freely now as she noticed they were Bucky's, but she was able to keep a tight hold on her powers. Stella put the tags over her head and let them rest just above her heart. She had learned how to separate the water from her sadness early on by fully giving in to all her grief and finally working through her pain. She fell asleep and for the first time in a very long time she had no nightmares she dreamt of Bucky and it was nice if only a little bittersweet.

The years passed and Stella was doing well in school top of her class, and a sure-fire pick for valedictorian. She would visit Howard for the holidays and talk about how happy she was at school and work more on her powers. Howard said the practice was essential to keeping control she had only had one or two slip-ups at school but had luckily been alone when it happened she marked that down as progress.

Stella was two weeks out from her graduation she was working hard on prepping for her exams she was adamant about keeping her placement and making Howard proud. She had two more exams to complete and she was eager to be done. She had decided to go to the library for a change of scenery and to study. She set her books down on one of the old wooden tables and was soon joined by a boy from her chemistry class. She paid him no mind knowing he had harbored a crush for her, along with every other breathing female on campus. "Hey Turner," he said breaking her peaceful silence.

"Hello Charles," she responded not bothering to look up from her notes.

"Since we are graduating soon and you won't have the excuse of studying anymore, will you finally say yes to that date?"

"Sorry, but I don't think that's going to happen I'll be going back home directly after graduation. Besides I'm not interested in a relationship right now."

"I don't know why I even bothered to try, you won't give anyone a second of your time. I heard you wouldn't even be here had it not been for Stark. Is he the reason the top of our class too? Let me guess, you're going back home to him? You get to live rich and easy while the rest of us worked our asses off just to get into this school."

Stella had to work extra hard to reign in her powers and not retaliate with them. He's just a dumb asshole Stella, he's not worth the trouble you would get into. She closed her books and gathered her things attempting to leave before she fully lost her temper.

"I'll take that as yes," he said triumphantly, "you probably climbed straight into his bed the first chance you got."

Stella couldn't help the laughter that followed that statement he had really just accused her of sleeping her way into MIT. With Howard of all people, the man who was basically her father it was too funny not to laugh at.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact you think I sleep with Howard for one. Not that I need to explain myself to you, but I worked my ass off as well to get here. All the grades I've made are because I spend more time studying than bothering with people who are destined to end up working for their daddy's company and inevitably driving it into the ground. All Howard did was hand my research over to the admissions committee. Rumor has it the only reason you got off the waitlist is that your father paid for a new building. Maybe if you applied yourself to your studies instead of trying to sleep with every single girl with a beating heart you might actually have a decent GPA. Now if you want a reason as to why I turn down everyone's advances I had already met the greatest love of my life and you couldn't hold a candle to him on even his worst day," Stella left and went back to her apartment and went straight to bed.

Stella wasn't the same girl she was as a teen she wouldn't let anyone push her around anymore the words Bucky had said to her so many years ago now still echoed through her head and had become a commandment etched into her heart "Don't show them you're scared, ever, because when you do they know they've won. Don't show them they hurt you, you are stronger than you know Stella Rose you'll change the world. They don't deserve your tears, prove them wrong and give them hell Nightingale."

Written in the Stars: Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now