Vol.1 Ch. 6 We are entering Lockdown Part 1

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I don't own the series The Loud House or the Transformers or any car brands, make, and models in this story. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon, Transformers is owned by Hasbro, and all vehicles named or described are owned by their proper companies.

Last Time: Starscream had sent the Decepticon named Foxwire to attack Lincoln but didn't think that Foxwire would go on a rampage and fought other Autobots instead, wounding three of them, and Cyclonus has contacted a new threat for the Autobots.

Cybertron, 4.5 Million Years ago

It was an almost waist land of either abandoned or destroyed futuristic buildings, with so much debris everywhere and the road was either blocked or damaged. This was Cybertron during the halfway point of the way on the planet, and for most, it was utter chaos just to even cross the street. A single bot roamed the street looking for Autobots to help They were in red and white armor, and they held a blast in their hands, a weapon, something they hated. This was Ratchet.

They may have not been a young Bot, but they were lucky none were around to see any of this. The street was littered with the bodies of both Autobots and Decepticons. Their bodies were lifeless, they had no of both a spark and even any color, just a grey body on the ground that wouldn't be getting back up at all.

He stopped as he heard a voice, someone calling for help, and when he walked to where the voice came from, he saw someone was still alive, but they weren't Autobots, but they didn't have a Decepticon insignia, so they must have been neutral, who was banged up and missing some part, and how they were still functioning was a mystery. "Help... me... please." The bot pleaded in desperation, whose voice was full of pain.

Ratchet ran to them and checked to see what he can do to help them. "Hang on kid, I'll help you." The bot he was helping was in mostly black armor with green lines on it and their hands were gone, while their head had a black helmet and black visor that covered their whole face. "Don't worry, I'm going help you, get you somewhere safe, can you tell me your name?"

The Bot he was helping was trying to get through the pain to tell him who he was and with the strength they had, they said. "My name is Lockdown."

"Well, Lockdown, my name is Ratchet and I'm going to help you, don't worry." Ratchet said as something came out of his left arm, it looked to be an engine before turning into what looked like a cannon and pointed it at the young Bot releasing a yellow wave of energy.

Earth, Present day

The Autobot base, the Ark, is a large ship that was buried underground of a large volcano called Mount St. Hilary in Portland, Oregon on the west coast of the USA. The Ark was mostly quiet almost as if it was abandoned, however, the Ground Bridge was activated, and three cars came out of it allowing them into the base.

It was Bumblebee, Jazz and, Arcee who came into the base in their alt modes. As they parked, they allowed the humans, Lincoln, Clyde, and Stella, with the latter being happy to be back on the Ark, as it has been a few days and that her Autobot companion, Chromia should be fully recovered today.

The Autobots then transformed into their robot modes to walk alongside the humans. "You all made it." Said the voice of Hot Rod, they then see him next to the room's entrance alongside him was Ronnie Anne who looked happy to see her friends once again. "Ronnie Anne and I just got here a little while ago, she told me you guys were going to spend the whole weekend here?" Said, Hot Rod.

"Not the whole weekend just a couple of hours for the next few days," Lincoln said to Hot Rod before turning his attention to Ronnie Anne. "So, what do we have planned?"

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