Vol. 1 Ch 12: Fire from the sky

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I do not own the series The Loud House or the Transformers or any car brands, make, and models in this story. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon, Transformers is owned by Hasbro, and all vehicles named or described are owned by their proper companies.

Last Time: After chasing the Insecticons and saving Bumblebee, Cliffjumper tried to get Inferno's forgiveness. After the fight between the Insecticons and the Autobots, they returned to the Ark with Lincoln trying to call his friends, but they were dealing with their own problems.

"Thanks, Clyde," Lincoln said as he hung up with his friends then signed out of boredom. "Why did we come here again?" Clyde asked. The room was large, it was twice as large as Optimus, with stone walls and what looked to be military equipment all over. The three were sitting at a table on a platform that was above the ground by twenty ft. off the ground.

"Sorry guys, but not every mission is going to be exciting, we are just here to check up on this base to make sure it is up to code for a backup base in case if the Ark is destroyed." Said Jazz as he was looking over a large terminal that was in the room, it had looked to be Autobot technology. "Wish it was more exciting, trust me but not everything is, but hey at least we don't have to worry about being attacked here."

"What even is this base? It looks abandoned." Raoul said with the others looking curious.

"This used to be an old U.S. military base built in the late 1990s but then it got shut down ten years ago. Vincent managed to get it for us as a backup base just in case we need a new one, we have a few other bases all over the world." Said Jazz. "If you are bored you can go outside and... I do not know, you humans' make balls of snow to throw at each other in the winter, right? Why not do that?"

"Hehe, Yeah why not, I mean it does snow in Michigan but why not take the moment and have some good old fashion fun." Said Raoul with the others getting up and ready to go outside. While they were going towards the large exit doors that could let a tank go through it and left the room to enter the hall, they saw the other Autobots Hot Rod, Tracks, Blaster, and three other Mini-Cons moving large creates or checking some electronic device.

The three Mini-Cons were of different body shapes but the same sizes, one with red armor on with a dome over their head with helicopter blades on their back, Another had a blue torso and head armor and pitch-black legs, a visor that looked to be almost like a pair of red glasses, and on their back was a hook-crane, and for the last one was wearing orange armor with them having what looked like a bulldozer blade split in two and are on each of his shoulders.

The Autobots and Mini-Cons noticed the humans and Hot Rod said to them. "Are you guys going outside?"

"Yeah, we're going out to throw snowballs at each other," Clyde said with the others nodding to confirm.

"Snowball fight!" said Eject, the Autobot Mini-Cassette as he walked forward to the humans. "I'm game, come on, Humans vs. Human size Robots." Said Eject, in the brief time they must know them both Ronnie Anne and Clyde noticed that he was like Lincoln's sport-loving sister Lynn Jr. as they both seem to never turn down a challenge.

"Are you sure about that? I mean aren't you all working?" Clyde asked the Autobots with Hot Rod turning to them.

"Well, we are almost finished here. You can both go with Eject, Rewind, and take one of the Mini-Cons with you if you want, of course, Blaster will have to watch you just in case if something happens." Said, Hot Rod.

"Why don't you go Jolt, you always cover for us before we came to Earth, me and Longarm can finish up here." Said the Orange Mini-Con as they talked to the red Mini-Con, named Jolt.

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