Vol. 1 Ch. 21: Family In Danger

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I don't own the series The Loud House or the Transformers or any car brands, make, and models in this story. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon, Hasbro owns Transformers, and all vehicles named or described are owned by their proper companies.

Last Time: After a somewhat successful rescue of the remaining Wreckers and fellow allies, with an escape attempt, Lincoln Loud was injured and worried about what his family would say about his absence, seeing their friend and ally distress and wanting to take the next step of meeting more humans, Optimus Prime agreed to meet the Loud family, but the Insecticon leader, Scorponok, took them hostage.

Loud House: 7:10 AM

Early in the morning, the Loud family woke up one by one, the younger sisters were the first to wake up with Lily waking up first with the twins Lola and Lana, followed by the goth Lucy then finally the brainiac Lisa, it used to be a trial and hazard just to get to the bathroom before in the Loud house when there was just eleven of them but with that number almost completely halved there have been less fights. For the smartest among them, it was never an issue when she discovered their parents' secret bathroom after noticing they had a much higher water bill than normal a few years ago. Lynn Jr. still lived with them but she was out at a friend's house after winning a big game.

The Loud family did their normal thing by going downstairs to eat their breakfast, their father made pancakes for them and they all noticed something, Lincoln wasn't downstairs at all yet. Their father walked upstairs to check up on the boy and knocked on his door to call for him, there was no answer so Lynn Sr. opened the door to an empty room. They didn't panic at first, they stayed calm as much as possible thinking Lincoln was still in the house and tried to call them only to hear his phone on his nightstand, he then started to feel panicked.

He saw his wife in the hallway and informed her about Lincoln not being in his room, the two looked worried about Lincoln being missing from his room, so he dashed down the stairs and kept a calm face so the daughters wouldn't think anything was wrong and looked into the garage to see Lincoln's car was gone too. The thought of Lincoln sneaking out again sank in and they closed the door, Lisa noticed their parents were clearly distressed.

They all set out to go through their own day, the parents thought Lincoln would return home after some time and would have to call the police if he didn't show up before the end of the day. Rita dropped the kids off at school while Lynn Sr. called the other girls who moved out as they were still in town after moving back, explaining that Lincoln wasn't in the house when they woke up along with his car.

Lynn was walking back and forth thinking about calling Lincoln and for what felt like hours, he called only to be placed on voice mail. He waited for Rita to come back with the family van so they could go out and drive around town to look for his car. He then heard something, it was a knock on the back door of the house, he walked over to the door and opened it before stepping out, the moment he was out something picked him up or rather someone, the Insecticon, Shrapnel before flying off with Lynn.

Royal Woods Park: 10:25 AM

In the park, the family van with Rita, Luan, and Lynn Jr. who may have been a college student she did take mostly online classes, and any that she would have today she emailed her professors that she had a family emergency with little explanation as to what it was. They were out looking around the parking lot of the park, looking for Lincoln's car but found nothing. "Gah... where is that dumb car of his? I don't get why he left the house." Lynn Jr. said with frustration in her voice.

"Maybe he--" Luan tried to make a joke to lighten the mood only for Lynn to put a hand on her shoulder.

"Luan, you say a pun now, I will slug you in the face." Lynn Jr. said with a raised fist as she wasn't in the mood for a joke, the jokester's sister walked backward, taking the threat seriously. They then see their mother, Rita, walking back to them after checking the entire park. "Nothing?"

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