Vol. 1 Ch. 18: The Wreckers part 1

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I don't own the series The Loud House or the Transformers or any car brands, make, and models in this story. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon, Transformers is owned by Hasbro, and all vehicles named or described are owned by their proper companies.

Last Time: Lincoln and Clyde along with some of the Autobots were trapped underground but luckily found a way out and gained a new force of allies known as the Dinobots, however Beachcomber, Jetfire, and Perceptor had gone missing.

Lincoln Loud sat in bed, it was about five minutes till midnight, he was having a tough time sleeping both due to some of his Autobot friends going missing and because of the fact he was grounded. Earlier that day he had come home hoping his family wouldn't have noticed he was missing, unlike in the past it was the complete opposite for both his parents and older sisters who were still in town and were worried sick about him, plus he was covered in dirt and had some of his clothes messed up, he had to lie and say he ran into some friends who told him about a party that lasted all night.

His mother didn't believe it as he would have kept track of the clock and was gone all night, they were all beyond worried about him. His sisters were equally worried about him too, he was out a lot and wouldn't be back until close to curfew, he even missed helping his sisters when they needed him. His parents thought it is for the best if he was grounded for a few days so now he can't just leave without them knowing. Plus, he couldn't take Bumblebee anywhere without them either, to make things worse they said they were going to punish him further in the morning as their argument lasted all day.

His sisters have been noticing his behavior and when he was alone Lynn came to his room to tell him that she heard from one of her friends that she saw him racing but didn't tell their parents because she thought he was already in enough trouble, but it was clear that she could use it as leverage as blackmail in the future. He looked at the clock and right when he did the clock hit midnight. He rose out of bed and walked back and forth in his room to get some energy out and get some sleep. "Sigh, how do I get any sleep? Beachcomber, Perceptor, and Jetfire are still missing, and I can't even leave the house, Bee can't leave either as everyone will think I left, or someone stole him. What am I going to do?"

"Lincoln Loud." Said the voice of Optimus Prime. Lincoln looked around and thought he was hearing his voice due to his lack of sleep but then looked towards his window to see that there was a shadow outside, it looked like a Transformer, then light shined into his room and revealed that it was indeed Optimus Prime himself. "Lincoln, I'm afraid I need of your help."

"Optimus!" Lincoln said with him covering his mouth as he was a little too loud, luckily most of his sisters are heavy sleepers, he ran towards his window and opened it to speak in a low volume voice. "What are you doing? Why are you here? Turn off your lights or you'll wake up my neighbors."

"We tried to contact you, but you never answered," Optimus explained as he turned off his lights and spoke in an equally quiet tone so no human would hear them.

"I lost my phone, and my communicator was damaged from the cave and Wheeljack hasn't returned it yet," Lincoln told Optimus.

"I am sorry if I had to wake you up, but I need your assistance with Bumblebee, not that far from your town is a sighting. Our satellites had shown two ships entering Earth's orbit and landing not that far from your hometown. I thought you and Bumblebee could join us to investigate, I was also wondering if you would join in as we could run into humans since it is close to an open road." Optimus said to Lincoln.

Lincoln didn't know what to say about this as he was grounded, so he thought of informing the Autobot leader. "I'm sorry Optimus but I can't, my parents grounded me."

Transformers: Loud Road AheadOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant