Vol. 1 Ch 14: Hello, Cybertron to Bumblebee part 1

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I don't own the series The Loud House or the Transformers or any car brands, make, and models in this story. The Loud House is created by Chris Savino for Nickelodeon, Transformers is owned by Hasbro, and all vehicles named or described are owned by their proper companies.

Last Time: Lincoln Loud was put into hiding due to a doppelganger known as a Pretender being out for his head on a pike, but with the help of both the Autobots and the Decepticon Cyclonus however it got away and declared itself as a Nemesis.

On the open road of Michigan, three cars and a motorcycle, these cars were the Autobots Bumblebee, Hot Rod, Jazz, and Chromia along with them were their human friends, Lincoln, Ronnie Anne, Clyde, and Stella. They were all just having fun, going at high speeds while driving, and enjoying on the free road.

"Shame Tracks didn't want in on this Energon scouting mission, he would have loved these open roads." Bumblebee said over the comms they were using to speak to each other.

"Yeah, the best part about open roads is that it feels like pure freedom." Jazz said sounding calm and relaxed from his driving.

"You guys must really enjoy driving?" Lincoln Loud said within Bumblebee, he looked different as his jacket had red cuffs and, on his back, he had the Autobot symbol. Along with him was the Mini-Con Sparkplug who was riding along with them.

"Hiss. I am Speed. Hiss" Said Sparkplug.

"Yeah, it is like a person walking around on their feet, it just feels right for us, I always loved to race that and play Cube," Bumblebee said to Lincoln.

"Cube?" Lincoln questioned.

"Basically, giant robot Rugby." Bumblebee explained.

"For me, I like to drive at high speeds, it is like how we spent our time on the racetracks back on Cybertron, thanks to a friend of mine and Bee's they were an awesome racer." Said Hot Rod as they were going by faster than the others. "I always enjoyed going laps around everyone."

"That's strange, I don't remember you running laps around us. Was that a dream you had?" Bumblebee said as both he and the others started to laugh or chuckle. "Hey, don't call me out like that Bee."

"Sorry Hot Rod, I just couldn't help myself, but yeah, I remember the good old days before the war, both me and Hot Rod were young before the war started but it was nice to have that time of peace when it was just you, me, and Blurr on those tracks." Said Bumblebee

"I wonder how Blurr is doing?" Said, Hot Rod.

Meanwhile in space

Somewhere in the middle of space, there were four Cybertronian beings of varied sizes and colors as one was cyan armor with their helmet looking like they have wings on the side of their head and had what looked like a hood ornament, they were talking at extreme speeds as if they didn't know how to do anything slowly. "So, I went past them over and over and over and over and over," They said as they kept on going over and over and- you get the point.

The other three they were talking to were one other bot with red armor and a black helmet while another looked like them but with yellow armor and a different shaped helmet, and the last one was blue with silver wings and the Autobot symbols on them, they had a red face and yellow eyes along with cannons on their shoulders. The ladder of which looked annoyed and was really holding back the urge to punch the talker in the face while the other two just looked annoyed. The yellow one then picked up and raised a laser pistol, but the red one forced them to lower the weapon as they knew what they would do.

"-and over and over-"

"BLURR, I SWEAR TO PRIMUS! If you don't shut up, I will rip your jaw off you son of a-" Shouted the blue one with wings, their mouth opening like a puppet's instead of like lips.

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