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Hello there how are you doing I didn't know that word was actually a term that can be use story. But anyway it's good to know that I was just the colonial name that I will not use. So your ancestry means free man that's cool. I just got my DNA results and narrowing down and I also brought the drywall areas of Afghanistan Pakistan and India as well as Nepal in my actual DNA OK so that's pretty interesting.    I also got some Eastern European and gypsy or roma Normani are similar to Asian people which is they reside in Europe instead of asia. 
I actually do meditate from time to time but I do find us a lot better in nature as I did with the tipi one time. That's why I changed my Google pictures of me meditating in the TIpi.  It's very interesting I can show you again the picture. I tried to cut my own hair with success but on a job trying to bleach my hair without success for the first time in years. So I'll show you a picture of my bleach  job gone wrong. 
I like meditating in an Actual tipi, and Will try to get my own TIpi as well or Native American tent next spring.
Hope to hear from you soon

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