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[**Mentions of sêxual abüse, abüse in general, vulgar/inappropriate language.**]

Name: Billy Lenz

·{Nicknames include: The Moaner, The Caller}

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Personality: While at times he can come off as being timid and paranoid, he's rather vulgar and violent, usually having outbursts as a result of having sadistic tendencies. Not to mention the fact, he's a bit of a pervert, occasionally craving attention and affection from others.

Sexuality: Pan



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Likes: Affectionate gestures, comfort {to an extent, sudden movements might have a negative reaction}, being in a familiar environment, stalking/watching others through the small holes within his house, making obscene and sêxual phone calls, Christmas, candy canes, cats, and the thought of having a genuine and loving family.

Dislikes: Going through his negative episodes of ramblings {seeing as it takes a while for him to calm down after each episode, especially when he's alone}, being called certain words {It triggers these violent episodes}, and his parents being mentioned {More specifically his mother}.

Species: Human

Quotes: "I'm going to kíll you."

"I'll stick my tongue up your pretty-"

"Agnes, don't tell them what we did."

"She's my family now... She's my family now.."

"Filthy Billy, I know what you did you nasty Billy!"

"Where is Agnes? Billy! What your mother and I must know is where is Agnes?"

"Sick fuck! Bastard! Need help, Billy needs help.."

Other: He has a habit of rambling and mumbling to himself, usually repeating things he has heard other people say, either to him or about him. While in this state he is able to mimic other people's voices almost perfectly. After these ramblings, he tends to become violent, with the chance of him being reasoned with being extremely low. Chances are he'll end up going on yet another kîlling spree.

-Often refers to all of his female victims as Agnes*.

-{Backstory}: While growing up, his mother and father absolutely hated one another, despite this, his father showed genuine care for him. As for his mother, she despised him simply because he reminded her of her husband. Because of that fact, his mother would constantly abuse him in more ways than one, often calling him names and eventually doing unspeakable actions.
One Christmas, his mother and her boyfriend murdered his father, in which once they began to bury the body under the house, he happened to witness everything from one of the small holes within the house. Not knowing what else to do, he hid in the only place he could think of: the attic. In the end, he was locked in the attic. He never left the attic, and instead, opted to make it his home.
At the young age of twelve, his mother had done something truly horrific that resulted with her having a child. That child, named Agnes*, being his half-sister/daughter.
In comparison to how his mother had badly treated him, Agnes was treated the complete opposite, she was always given what she wanted. In other words, she was given the life he never had and always longed for.
By the time he was eighteen, he went on a kîlling spree one Christmas, kîlling his step father and mother.

-From now on, every Christmas he goes on a kîlling spree, usually targeting women and mistaking them for Agnes. Just one of the main sources of his anger. He usually goes for the people living within his childhood home, since most people are unaware of his whereabouts.

***Preferably include 2 other side characters. Side characters do NOT require a form.***

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