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Name: Walter Williams

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: He has quite the reputation for being short-tempered and mischievous, often messing with others for his own fun. He's often seen being childish and playful around those he's with. Although, behind the scenes he's somewhat bitter and aggressive, especially when certain topics are brought up.

Sexuality: Pan


Likes: Photography, the piano {either playing it or simply hearing others play it}, swing/jazz music, polite people, books, painting, fashion, the theater, compliments, cats and dogs, birds {he has one that follows him everywhere}, children, makin...

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Likes: Photography, the piano {either playing it or simply hearing others play it}, swing/jazz music, polite people, books, painting, fashion, the theater, compliments, cats and dogs, birds {he has one that follows him everywhere}, children, making others happy or being able to make them smile, and nature.

Dislikes: Modern things {it confuses him}, rude people, remarks regarding his age, his interests being criticized, personal/sensitive topics, and being compared to Brooks.

Species: Cartoon character {that tends to break the fourth wall quite often}

Quotes: "Hmph. Brooks and I look nothing alike! If anything, he stole my look!"

"...I used to make children smile. Now, no one even remembers my name."

"Old-timey!? Outdated!?"

"I'm not that old!"

Other: He was the main character of a children's cartoon that was created many years back. In fact, when he was created the first few episodes of his show were in black and white. Many children and even some adults enjoyed his show, since one of the unique things about him was that he would occasionally break the forth wall. Usually by seemingly talking to the audience and viewers as though he was aware that he was being watched.

-Over time, people began to lose interest. Years later, he was eventually replaced with a new character. Little by little, he would appear less and less in the show made specifically for him. This led to him growing bitter towards this new character.

-Which leads to the next thing, there is a rumor about a secret episode that accidentally aired on tv everywhere. The episode itself consists of Walter acting rather violent towards Brooks. What started off as a simple comment, ultimately led to a physical fight that parents said was too violent for children to be watching. The animators and creators stated that it wasn't part of the show, and that they had no idea who could have made such an episode.
-After a while of the show being discontinued, had they recreated the show to be a bit more modern, focusing more on Brooks. Whether it was intentional or not, there have been times where Walter was seen in the background of some episodes, either as a mere silhouette or just being referenced.

 Whether it was intentional or not, there have been times where Walter was seen in the background of some episodes, either as a mere silhouette or just being referenced

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>>Brooks Baxter {Left}, Walter Williams {right}.

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