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Name: Lee Byung-ho

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Personality: When first meeting others, he'll often play the role of a kind hearted angel, often appearing helpful and playful. Although, his true nature consists of him being cold and manipulative, usually using others for his own benefit and/or entertainment. He can read others rather easily, using their emotions and thoughts against them.

Sexuality: Pan

Looks: (in white)

Likes: Taunting and manipulating others, getting what he wants, having an advantage over someone, books {poetry and romance mostly}, coffee, {secretly} small affectionate gestures, {sometimes} comfort, and being understood.

Dislikes: Personal topics, humans, angels, sweet-tasting things, being looked down on, people having an advantage over him, not being understood, and people who are able to see through his act.

Species: Demon

Quotes: "Hmm~ You want to experience peace? Do as I say then."

"Ah, what a corrupt one you are. We just might get along."

"Let me lead you to paradise."

"Oh? What a sinful soul you have. Will you allow me to take it?"

"Are you m-mocking me? B-Because I can't be loved? Because I hurt others and manipulate them? You're no different! Don't act like some angel! You humans are all the same! Terrible, horrible beings!"

Other: Byung-ho is a demon who's simple goal was to go to heaven, only to be constantly denied. All his life, he dreamt of being able to experience the peacefulness and love that others spoke so highly of. Unfortunately, to his disappointment, he was told that his kind was not allowed such a thing, as demons were known to be cruel creatures, only knowing mischief and greed, often participating in sinful acts.

While at first, he decided to prove everyone wrong by helping others for their benefit rather than his own, had it been shortly after becoming friends with a human that brought him to a realization. Said human had told him, that while his actions were kind, the motive behind it was actually selfish since he was simply helping others to help out himself really.

From that day on, he began to despise and envy all humans, for the simple reason that they were humans. Humans are the ones given the opportunity to enjoy eternal peace, while he isn't given that luxury.

-Despite his strong disliking for humans, he has the ability to change his appearance, either taking on the form of someone's loved one, or an angel, as to deceive and manipulate others.

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