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Name: Dae-seong

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Quiet,always sleepy,usually calm,can be childish,mischievous,manipulative,sarcastic,often called rude or cold-hearted,however when you get to know him more,he's actually really sweet,caring and overprotective.

Sexuality: Pan


Likes: Sleeping/taking naps,performing,singing/dancing,the piano,making sure you're happy,being alone(sometimes),coffee,dogs,music,the color black,black clothes,face masks,and (secretly)your affection

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Likes: Sleeping/taking naps,performing,singing/dancing,the piano,making sure you're happy,being alone(sometimes),coffee,dogs,music,the color black,black clothes,face masks,and (secretly)your affection.

Dislikes: Having his naps interrupted,when you're sad/mad,cats,criticism/insults,not having your attention,not having inspiration to write songs,not being understood,and when people assume things about him/judging without knowing him.

Species: Human

Quotes: "Please,smile for me.I want to see your face full of happiness."

Other: Whenever someone shows him affection or gives him compliments,he pretends he doesn't like it or care,but really he appreciates it.

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