New Living Arrangements

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Two men called dante and cross showed up to arisa's appartment and started collecting her belongings she handed minchoi the keys and said to him "the sacrifices I make for you this will be my worst nightmare"

She headed to the car that was awaiting her as arisa got inside she saw yoongi sitting there "well good morning to you too" he says she turned to him and said "let's get this over with shall with some of us have work we all can't live a life of luxury you know" yoongi says "I work harder then most think more than you know sweetie" she says" wow you're not as bad ass as you think you are he says "oh honey do I have an affect on you" she says "other then my up chuck reflex nothing else" the driver grins and drives away.

They pull up to her new place of residence it was huge the car stops right outside the door you are greeted by two people they help her carry her things and show her to her room she couldn't believe the size of her room it was bigger then her old apartment she began to miss it so she decided to unpack she figured if this keeps her brother alive and pays his debt she'll survive this hell she signed away her life for yet she couldn't help but figure out why she have such an idiotic sibling she just wanted to break the cycle and not be another statistic.

Jimin sees ari he says she hugs him and says hey little brother do you live here too? She asked he says "I live a few houses down not far just case the boss needs me".

She said to yourself "this is it I've found it im in hell" .

Yoongi says "Oh it's not that bad you have a hot boyfriend and everything you could want" you scoff "is that so you could own my shop that I worked hard for oh and I have to live with you let's get one thing clear I don't like you I'll never like you the sooner my brothers debt is paid the sooner I don't have to look at you ".

Yoongi says "I don't like you either but if you want your rat brother alive then you'll do what's agreed in the contract and maybe lose the mouth all my girlfriends just shut up and look pretty so do as you're fucking told kitten and nobody gets hurt".

Arisa couldn't be far off from the shit spectrum yoongi also informed her that her and him will be attending a charity event this evening your dress was ready and waiting she got ready and waited for him in the living area you both attended the opening of a new gallery the paintings were done by people who had disabilities something that was very close to yoongi's heart as you both walked in he held her hand tightly " just do as I say and act like you and I are really dating these chumps will eat that shit up" he says confidently you say " you really love this don't you, I'm only playing house till this is settled" he reminds her that she signed a contract it's legal and binding and not to mess with him because he always gets what he wants do what's agreed and she will be fine double cross him and she will cease to exist.

She were discussing the art work of the artist who painted this abstract piece she mentioned about the detail and strokes of the brush when there was a tap on her shoulder " darling would you mind coming with me for a moment " he asks you take his hand and walk with him he says to her " what the hell was that you don't talk to other people honey you keep your eyes on me and me only got it" she stood there frozen in her spot " nobody tells me who I can and can't talk to especially you" she spit " oh and FYI I was taking about the painting you half wit " just then she cursed in korean and walked off yoongi followed her " kitten let's not make a scene" pretending to cuddle her, smile and nod at him " good girl" he says as the night came to an end you both headed home and flopped down on her bed .

The next morning arisa got up and got ready for work as she open her shop mr Lee was waiting outside for her he mentioned about being in the paper in the society section there was a picture of her and yoongi together with caption underneath philanthropist and entrepreneur min yoongi at the opening of the latest exhibition at vante galleries with girlfriend nam arisa.

She kept reading the article her face turned red she scrunched up the paper then her phone rang it was yoongi " what do you want?" She said " oh kitten I just thought I'd call you, why I can't call my girlfriend" you laugh " umm not while I'm working " he says " did you read the paper this morning?" You went silent " I take it you did then " he goes on to say that he will pick you up from work " fine by me saves me having to catch public transport" he says see "you after work baby girl" she cringed and seen areum heading in you both set up the coffee machines put the fresh pastries in the oven you are greeted by more of her frequent customers aerum didn't ask her about yesterday she just gave her eye contact and she knew aerum was her best friend since she moved to daegu she knew everything about you she also know why she was doing this but never questioned it as she would have done the same.

Three men come in to her shop she knew one of them it was dante " hey arisa yoongi wants an iced americano " she smiled and said " does he now why don't he come and get it then?" Dante smiles " come on toots the boss doesn't have all day " she makes his order take the money and walk away shaking her head she sees her brother standing in the delivery lot " minchoi what are you doing here?" She says minchoi says " I wanted to see if you were okay" she looked at him and says " im fine look at me" she walked back inside to serve other customers it was such a busy long day she counted the till and the petty cash did her stock inventory shut down the ovens turn off the lights and as she walked out she seen the car with yoongi sitting inside it she got in and sighed " what a day" yoongi doesn't say anything just looks out the window she says " did you enjoy your iced americano after your goons showed up" he was still silent scary silent the drive home was quiet.

She got out and headed Straight to her room she stayed there till it was dinner time at the dinner table yoongi was talking to hoseok about the meeting he had today he spoke in korean thinking she couldn't understand but she did " shipment product street value " she thought she knew he was talking about drugs shipping them and selling them hoseok says " we could sell it for $50 to $100 on the street the junkies and whores love it" yoongi then says " use your words honey "what is it" she says may i be excused yoongi gestures her to go junkook says " what's her problem?" Jimin says " drugs killed Grammy they were close she hates it" they all say " oh" she went back to your room and laid down on the bed and cried thinking about her halmoeni with tear stained cheeks she drifted off to sleep.

It was the middle of the night she came down to get a glass of water it was dark as arisa walked out she heard a voice " do what you need to do to survive this hell arisa nam" it was a man she's never met before his name was yang he was a trusted family friend " nam arisa you shouldn't be helping your brother his mistakes are his own, you are a good girl from what jiminah has said" this man scared her and she ran upstairs locked her door and did emerge until her alarm went off.

It was another day another dollar arisa was exhausted when she got home she saw her brother there " what's he doing here?" She asked yoongi says " your brother will be muling for me I have product that needs moving is that okay with you honey " he says cocking his eyebrows she says " like I have a choice" arisa says " noona I'm doing this to help you " her brother says " help me I wouldn't be in this mess if you just stayed away or maybe didn't lose yoongi's money " she spit minchoi slapped her and she fell to the floor she got up holding her hand to her face she felt a wet stinging sensation it was blood he cut her lip yoongi says to her brother " if you ever lay a hand on her again I'll end you myself your sister is the reason you're still alive you fucking rat " arisa heads to the bathroom jimin followed to see if she is okay he had an ice pack with him he handed it to her, she placed it on her jaw she says " fuck that hurts" she fliched when she moved the ice pack away jimin says to yoongi " hyung give me 5 minutes alone with him " yoongi says " whatever you're feeling kill it right now" yoongi says " I will say this once and once only nam minchoi never hit a woman in my presence is that clear?" Minchoi went to say sorry to you " get the fuck away from me" she were angry no man has ever done that to her yet her own brother did he should be grateful for what arisa is doing for him yet this is how he repays her.

The next day.

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