A Favour / Emotions

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Yoongi knew it was time the many things he has granted people it was time for him to cash in on a favour it was two weeks after the death of minchoi yoongi had to come to terms with the fact that arisa would be leaving and life would change she is still grieving the loss of her brother it was heartbreaking to watch her go through the pain some days she would be good other days she would fall apart yoongi and her became very close she considered him her best friend and he simply adored her.

Arisa continued with opening levage aerum came back from her holidays only to see arisa looking tired and run down arisa told her everything that happened aerum hugged her and said " it'll all work out in the end yoongi won't stop looking after all he is mafia" arisa nodded and went to the back of the kitchen she saw a picture of her and two brothers she smiled as tears fell down her face.

Yoongi on the other hand was thirsty for blood he wanted revenge for what was done to minchoi he knew he didn't deserve it all minchoi wanted was to be apart of the bts family but dante and cross had other ideas they needed a scape goat for their own gains yoongi called the members into the office to devise a plan to catch and kill them he will make them pay as they were sitting in the office yoongi was playing with his phone he was looking at a number he pressed dial and the phone started ringing out " hello" said the deep brooding voice " uncle I need your help I need to cash in on my favour " the deep voice " nephew what do you need?" Yoongi then went on to say what happened to his ''girlfriends'' brother the deep voice says to yoongi and the other boys "come to the company and meet me there we have much to discuss" after the phone call the boys continued their meeting until the early hours of the morning yoongi came in to his room and saw arisa sleeping peacefully for the first time in two weeks even though taehyun was fully recovered she never ventured back to her room or moved her stuff back in he walked over to her side of the bed and moved some hair away from her face he couldn't believe how beautiful she was he got changed and went to sleep.

The following the next morning yoongi woke up and arisa was gone he got up and got dressed and headed into the office and he was greeted by the secretary sana " ah mr min how are you, the boss will see you now? She said flirting with him he ignored her flirtation she opened the door and approach the desk he bowed to the man sitting behind it " nephew what do you need today" the voice asked yoongi clears his throat to speak " I need you to find the two rats that betrayed me and caused harm to my girls brother my men have tried and failed they cannot be found " mr bang says " yoongi my son let me ask you this one question? You care for this girl right?" Yoongi nods mr bang continued " I think you more then care for this girl yes" yoongi stares at him mr bang then says something that stops him " is this girl worth your reputation and are you worthy of her heart" then yoongi says " what are you Pablo nuturo " they both start laughing mr bang says " for you and bangtan I will do this as my word is my honour " with that yoongi leaves and heads home he gets in the car and heads to levage as he was craving an iced americano during the drive he couldn't help but think about what his God father said he asked himself " am I really worthy of her love or her heart " he got lost in deep thought " how can i a better man for her am I willing to change for her or will she just see me as suga" the car pulled up to the Cafe he walked in and saw arisa she served him " what can I get you cold cat" he smirks and says " are you on the menu" she blushes and he laughs " aww you mr min " she says she hands him his drink with a post it note attached to it he looks down and reads it and it says " keep smiling it will make people wonder what you've been up to" he smiles his gummy smile which caught her attention he turns to her and says " after you close up would you like a ride home" she nods and says " if you want too" he heads back to the car and waits for her.

Arisa finishes up and gets in the car and she looks at him for a brief second and says " yoongi thank you for everything you've done I'm forever indebted to you" he smiles and says " that's okay you can thank me later" looking at her she was waiting for him to says something witty but nothing came out she grabbed his hand and says " is everything alright, you're not you today whatever it is I hope you work it out" in some small way she felt she was to blame but it wasn't yoongi was just plain old confused about his feelings about her.

They got home and he went straight to the bar and got two glasses and a bottle of red wine and sat down waiting for arisa to come in she walked in and sat down next to him he handed her a glass they drank together they started talking laughing about the most random things yoongi kept staring at her she looked at him and said " if you keep staring I will do two things to you cold kitty " he smiles and says "y-yeah like what babygirl" she stands up and says " I'll poke your eyes out and the second thing" she leans down and kisses him he pulls back and says " are you sure about this arisa" she nods he pulls her in and kisses her she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her upstairs he laid her down on the bed like she was delicate and stripped her down to her panties he hovered over her and kissed her from her jaw to her neck right down to her pelvic line he took her panties off and got her to take his boxers off he stops and says "arisa are you sure you want this? I might lose control" she sits up and says "I want you too and I don't care" he looks at her and continues his foreplay after she is a moaning mess he lined his member against hers and inserted himself inside her thrusting and grinding they were both a hot mess he kept going until they both rode out the high after that he pulled the blanket over then and pulled her close to him they slept like that all night.

She woke up the next and was staring at him she smiled thinking about last night she continued staring at him when he said in a sleepy voice " am I that handsome to look at" she laughs and falls off the bed " ouch my precious ass" she starts rubbing it he starts laughing she picks up a pillow and throws it at him " it's your fucking fault I can't walk " he gets out of bed and picks her up bridal style and carries her to the bathroom he helps her into the shower which he steps in and joins her she starts to feel better and can walk she gets dressed and ready for work yoongi gets ready for another day of being a mafia king.

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