Your Savior is Here

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You had been in New Asgard for about a week now - or technically you had been in Tønsberg, but since there were no other towns in the new incorporation, it was a fairly arbitrary distinction.

There were still groups of authorized press around, and politicians. Anyone who could get a visa and permission wanted to come and see the Seidr Plains. They wanted to see if it could live up to their expectations, to everyone's expectations. They wanted to mingle with gods and magic.

You took advantage of these groups of bureaucratic tourists as they walked the streets of New Asgard, being lookey-lous on a town that was still settling. You followed them, staying far enough back from these packs of reporters and suits so that they would assume you were Asgardian, but close enough that the Asgardians assumed you were just another tourist.

You saw a lot of the village that way. You explored the docks where little boats brought in great bounties from the sea. You saw the hastily organized inn and its cozy copper-colored cafe. You saw burgeoning bakeries with ornately sculpted pastries and breads stacked in elegant window displays. You visited the market stalls that popped up in the village's branching, oddly angled streets that sold spices and hand pies and beverages with names you'd never heard of.

You and Loki would never go out together - not yet - not until it was a better time he promised. You suspected the issue was primarily Thor. You suspected that there were questions that Loki didn't want his brother asking. So you quietly acquiesced to the arrangement, for now. After all when you came home Loki was always happy to patiently listen to you talk excitedly about all the things you had seen and discovered that day - things he undoubtedly already knew about. He would always smile and nod along, and then tell you about his day - about the little dramas of a society coming into its own. You listened, rapt. The mundanities of this place fascinated you - the technicalities of an alien civilization finding its home on Earth. You could never imagine that you'd be part of it.

Loki had thanked you for giving up everything to be here with him, but now you couldn't quite see what you had lost. After all there was still Wifi in Tønsberg - you weren't so far off the grid that there wasn't internet, and you could work remotely, not that you really needed to, but so that you still had something to do, something to make you feel tethered to your old life.

Although in the moments when it felt the most like your old life was slipping away, you thought you had half a mind to just let it go.

You couldn't just hop on a flight back to LA, or take a spin through the Plains to visit, but there were still phones and a way to feel connected even though you weren't physically there. Loki had used his silver tongue to find a way to keep your apartment - now more or less a glorified storage unit. For all intents and purposes, all anyone had to know, is that you were abroad for a while, and would come back when the time was right.

And maybe there would be a time. Maybe when the novelty of this place, of this romance, wore off you would want to go back to your old life, to what you knew best. But for now, you were perfectly contented with the fact that every night you would fall asleep in your lover's arms, and that every morning he would wake you up with a kiss.

But that didn't mean that there wasn't room for improvement...

Loki was telling you about the architecture in the original Asgard - about motifs and structures and styles, and about how you could see its influence on Midgard throughout history. He had been more prone to these little speeches lately, waxing poetic about his life and the places he'd been. You loved these small lectures. You found yourself asking probing questions waiting for him to go off on a tangent and talk excitedly about something strange and foreign and fascinating. He hadn't divulged anything terribly personal yet, but still it was a far cry from his time as the tight-lipped John.

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