The Request

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Your skin was buzzing, not just with the electricity of magic, but with the prickle of excitement.

The effervescent giddiness inside of you was mirrored in opposite by the dour countenance of your lover.

A visit from the Avengers to New Asgard was a less than ideal situation for Loki. It brought back all of his feelings of inadequacy, misguided rage, and guilt. The guilt was the worst you figured. A person could forgive themselves for so much, but there were certain things that could never be taken back. What's done was done.

Soft kisses peppered Loki's cheeks and hands whenever you could manage, hoping that you could soothe some of his unease with your humming enthusiasm. You had attempted a midday kiss on the shoulder when he pulled away. It sent a flutter of heartbreak through you.

"Darling, stop," he said, running a hand through his hair, "I know what you're trying to do, but..."

"Okay," you said, not wanting to hear the rest. But I hate it. But you're not helping. But you're being annoying.

He kissed your hand then, a chivalrous gesture more than anything.

"I hope you're not disappointed when they get here. I'll keep my distance, but I've already gotten my murderous stench all over you."

"Is that what you're worried about? That they won't like me because of you? I can hold my own in the presence of gods, and I can handle my own feelings."

"How are you not worried about that? They quite literally call themselves the Avengers because I killed a bunch of people and tried to take over the planet. Darling sometimes I think you forget. You and Thor both share this foolish notion that it's all going to be okay."

His tone was harsh and chiding, but what he was saying, of course, was somewhat true. You had done a lot of hand-wringing in order to be at ease with your relationship. But wasn't this effectually a different man than the one who brought his wrath upon New York? Maybe by being here they would see that. Maybe in time you could show them. But maybe his sins were too great.

The new tension in the room was palpable. Final preparations were done in silence. There would be a small tour, then a dinner, Loki and you would be joining the Valkyrie and Thor as the welcome committee. The whole thing was intended to be very diplomatic, some press to promote Tønsberg and goodwill of the Asgardians. But Thor had brought out the "special caskets" and you had a feeling that it would get rowdy sooner than later. It should be fun, was your mantra for the evening, better, probably than any number of your big corporate parties.

It wasn't long before you were standing wool-coated in the snow by the Seidr Plains and Heimdall was preparing to bring the delegation of Avengers and associated press though. Your heart was in your throat, unable to banish the doubts left in your head by Loki. He was willing to accept the role of the villain that others saw him as, but you were unable to reconcile that monster with the man you had come to know.

Pins and needles seared your skin briefly as a flash of white light flecked with rainbows appeared and disappeared in moments leaving a small crowd of bewildered mortals behind.

"Magician Strange! Natasha! Ms. Maximoff and The Vision! Welcome to New Asgard!" Boomed Thor, genuine in his pleasure.

Introductions were made - yours in name only - a "notable citizen" of New Asgard. A blessing in its vagary, but painful in its inaccuracy. Loki, uncharacteristically silent, nodded only in acknowledgment, hands stuffed motionless in coat pockets - a thick frost settling on the temperaments of the visiting party at his presence. This should have been an exciting moment, being introduced to your heroes on equal diplomatic footing, but instead, for the first time in months, you were gripped by insecurity and doubt.

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