Glorious Purpose

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First it was New York. A great gaping chasm appeared in Central Park. Then Chicago - a scar ripped open in downtown. Mexico City. Los Angeles. Rio. Sydney, Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore, Mumbai, Moscow, Cairo, Cape Town, Paris. Tears in space all opening within minutes.

You felt it deep down, like a crack opening in your heart. You felt the world split open and the universe spill in.

You were with the witches and the first of the arrivals of the New New Asgardians. Centering, meditating, connecting. Trying to awaken the parts of them that were uniquely Asgardian. And then your stability wavered. Your whole world shook.

Moments later you were on the phone with Avengers headquarters. All hands on deck.

You, Loki and Thor would all be sent through the Plains to ripped locations. You'd close the scars, dispatch or capture any members of the Black Order, return, and jump to a new city. Repeat. This was no longer pre-emptive. There was no time for reconnaissance. This was damage control. You were tourniquets - the only thing stopping the Black Order from hemorrhaging into Earth.

Loki squeezed your hand before you were sent through.

"Are you sure you're alright?" It hadn't been terribly long since the Black Order had almost ended your time together. You'd be lying if you said that there wasn't a part of you that was still scared to go out there. That there wasn't a piece of you still broken and traumatized. But there wasn't time to dwell on it. You squeezed his hand back.

"We're stronger than we think, right? I'll be okay."

First up was Singapore. You burned through the Plains into a crush of cloaked goons and myriad alien assailants. You slashed and stabbed your way to the searing blue gash that opened on the outskirts of a bustling night market. People screamed and ran and you threw a four-armed monster into a nearby cart, surprising even yourself by the amount of power in your muscles. Fragrant hot oil and utensils went flying as the mass crashed through the market - skin-scorched and unconscious. You whipped dual blades around in practiced arcs, cutting those between you and your target. When you reached the opening in the air you kicked a reaching goon back in, blocking it from its emergence from god-knows-where. It would not be admitted passage to Earth, not this day. You felt for the edges of the rift with both your fingers, and your magic, the way that Maximoff and Strange had taught you. The edges of the rip resisted as you pulled, but you clasped them together nonetheless, pulling the edges in and sealing them shut with with a series of arm waves and hand motions charged with your Seidr.

Law enforcement showed up - a tactical team with the capabilities of dealing with the enhanced, and you let them clean up the rest. Calling on Heimdall to send you through to your next target.

Sydney harbor was awash with the debris of wrecked ships. The rip had opened above the water, thankfully, and not all of the alien trespassers were equipped for navigating Earth's prolific liquid terrain. But some could swim just fine and had torn great gouges in the hulls of boats on their way to land. It would be a bit of a trick to close this hole, but focusing on vessels still floating in the harbor you flashed your magic, transporting yourself across one, two, three boat decks, then set your sights on the sky. You thanked your lucky stars up until this point and prayed that you had one more left in you. With another flash of rainbow-white light you were floating in mid-air just above the glowing cut. Scrambling you grabbed its edges and sealed the wound on your free fall down, unsure of where you would land, but flashing again moments before breaching the water. You crashed on dry land, your sides smarting as you hit hard concrete.

A hand reached down to grab yours and help you up. It was a moment before you realized it was Thor's.

"I'll clean up here. Rogers and Banner and the others have assailants at other locations, but they need someone to seal up the gateways."

According to Plan (A Loki x Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now