Chapter 8: Domino Effect Part III

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I wake up in a room that I immediately recognize to be the medical cabin at Camp Half blood. I sit up, ignoring my protesting muscles, and look around the room. There is almost no one in the cabin, the only demigods present are unconscious in beds. I move to get off the bed, but as soon as I place a foot down, I hear a yelp and curse in my head.

'Blackjack?' I call out tentatively in my mind. "You're awake!" is all I hear before I am bombarded by a barrage of licks. 'Blackjack,' I huff out a laugh in-between licks, using my hands to try and shield my face from his dog kisses. Finally, he stops and is content to just snuggle up to me in my lap. 'What's wrong? Why the sudden display of affection?' I question him.

He gives me what can only be a deadpan stare before answering, 'Percy do you realise where we are,' without waiting for my reply he continues, 'we are in an infirmary. You have been in a coma for 2 days, I should think I have every right to be affectionate, seeing as you were not supposed to survive. The poison you were infected with is known to kill gods Perce. You should be dead.'

I am silent for a second before I say a bit sullenly, 'Well, it's just another instance to add to the list of weird things that have been happening to us.' Blackjack looks down for a second, no doubt feeling the same way I do before he jumps off the bed feigning excitement. It is something we do a lot now -Blackjack and I that is- when we get into one of our self-deprecating moods, we feign an emotion until it becomes real.

I smile at him jumping off the bed as well but as soon as I stand my legs give out under me and I fall backwards onto the bed with a cry of pain. Blackjack immediately asks me whether I am alright and what happened. I reassure him that I just overestimated my ability to walk and that my body is just too weak and sore to carry my whole weight, seeing as I haven't moved for two days and my body has been fighting tirelessly during that time to expel a fatal poison from my system.

'Talking -well thinking- about not moving, how did I get here when I collapsed in the forest?' I ask Blackjack.

'Whoever stabbed you fled the scene once you blacked out because I found you there when I came to notify you that your shift was over. I immediately ran to get one of the younger girls that we saved and so know me, and got them to follow me to you. They immediately ran to get Thalia to pray to Artemis so that you could be taken to the Camp Half Blood infirmary to be treated. The hunters who were healers refused to treat a male.' I shake my head at the hunters' pettiness but Blackjack growls. 'They said that it is good riddance to the world for one male to die and that they weren't going to help subject the world to his prolonged presence.'

Okay now I understand why Blackjack is angry. How dare they say something like that. If he knew that Thalia was the one who stabbed me, he would probably sniff her out and tear out her throat long before I can shout wait. I definitely can't tell him until we are in a secure location which he can't get out from, or I would be able to restrain him, which I definitely can't do right now.

I need to thank my younger hunter sisters for helping me out. I feel really bad that throughout my entire time at the hunters there was never a chance for me to spend time with my younger sisters. Hopefully the hunt is still at Camp, and so I could steal my younger hunter sisters and my other younger siblings to go and play tag or something.

With Blackjack's help I get off the bed and stand. He turns into his Pegasus form so that I can lean on him as I walk. We make our way to the dining pavilion as we are both hungry, and from checking the time on a clock on the wall of the medical cabin I know that it is about 20 minutes past lunch time and so everyone should still be in the pavilion. Blackjack and I make our way there looking down at the ground watching our legs so that we don't trip over each other. Because of this we failed to notice the man in front of us until it was too late. Blackjack and I knock into his back, hitting a shiny, smooth, and pristine silk blazer before landing on the dirty, brown, and rocky ground.

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