Chapter 7: The Army Of Stars

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As soon as Hestia had completely formed from the fire, she launched herself at me and hugged me fiercely. I hugged her back just as hard, I had quite missed her.

'I am so sorry,' she mumbled into my shirt, She was in her 8 year old form so she barely reached my chest. When she finally let go of me, she grew to her usual 20 year old form and smiled at me.

 I instantly smiled back, 'It's fine sis' I started 'but I wanna know why you didn't visit or answer any of our prayers and invitations, we made a fire every day in hopes that you'll show up', Percy finished.

She looked at me apologetically, 'Yes, I am sorry about that, Zeus forced all the gods to stay and help with the joining of the two camps. We just finished, which is why I was able to see you. I came as soon as I could, without making Zeus somewhat suspicious, I also couldn't contact you cause he banned any external contact and I didn't want to cause any trouble, especially because he may ask who I am talking too and I could never rat you out, and if I don't tell him, he'd get suspicious and force me too, and cause I don't like violence I'll-', She would have kept on rambling if I didn't interrupt her.

'Hestia it's okay, I understand I've just been really worried about you, but I understand why you couldn't visit me' I paused, 'So the camps joined together?' I asked.'

'Yes they did, they're called the Camp Half Blood though, as the gods agreed that that refers best too demigods', 'Jupiter however wasn't very happy about it, but everyone agreed so he could not say much. Only the camp part of Camp Jupiter was moved though. New Rome is where it was before, but Greek demigods can go there as well. It is more of a demigod community now for families, but at age 12 you must go to camp and get at least basic training. But only families of older demigods can stay there, younger demigods who show up at the camp stay there and do not go to the community. 

Camp Half Blood was also expanded to accommodate the Romans, and all of the Roman building were built there as well. The gods made sure that the buildings were mixed together so that the demigods won't just split the camp in half one side Roman the other Greek because that could cause another war and the Olympians really want their two aspects to be at peace.' Hestia explains.

'I am guessing that this was all started in the beginning by Athena's wonderful brain which told her that it would be better defense for them to be together,' I said.

Hestia nodded in agreement. 'Yes it was. Oh and I think that you would like to know that the Olympians agreed to remove the Ancient Law that stops them from getting to know their children. After Athena said that it would increase their loyalty to Olympus Zeus jumped at it. But they did not remove the one that stops them from fighting alongside the demigods in battle. Zeus calls them fighting and getting killed for us being loyal to Olympus. It disgusts me how little he and the others care. Well except Apollo and Hermes.' She added as an afterthought.

'What about them?'  I ask as I pet Blackjack who was laying on the ground with his head on my lap.

'All the other Olympians consider you a traitor and a monster. A threat that has to be eliminated. They mainly found out about your powers, when they came to the camp to start the construction of  the roman buildings, as they had absolutely no contact with the camp before.' 

I snorted at this unsurprised. I mean what did you expect, that they were going over for sleepovers? 'They are also searching for Kynigos-well you, to see if he is a threat to Olympus.' More like Zeus is.

'But,' she continued. Breaking me out of my thoughts, 'Apollo and Hermes seem to not agree with their opinion. They stood by you until Zeus threatened to kill all their children. To be honest, Zeus is just getting worse, and if he doesn't tone down his ego there may be a coup. What I am just trying to say is that Apollo and Hermes are on your side.'

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