Wanna Make A Deal?

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Warning: Slight spoilers for Lucifer Season 6. There is one big one, but nothing plot related, kind of.

The Empire State Building

     "What do you mean that Olympus is closed?!" Percy said.

     "I'm sorry sir, but Zeus has closed Olympus until further notice. There's nothing I can do for you." The guard said.

     "Thank you anyway." Percy said.

     Percy turned around and let the smile fall from his face. He started to walk out of the Empire State Building. Zoë followed closely behind him. Her hands twitched, showing her frustration.

      Percy started to monologue in his head, nodding along as if he was saying, "Be like that."

      They exited the building and entered the light of his creation. It didn't blind them. In fact, they looked straight into the sky, right where a floating mountain sat, hovering above the city.

     Percy looked at Zoë, and motioned to the floating mountain. She said nothing, but her smirk said it all.

     Within a few seconds they were on Olympus. Percy put Zoë down and retracted his wings. They looked around. The streets were empty, and quiet. None of the braziers were lit, and the place felt abandoned. It felt like the entire mountain was holding its breath, waiting for something terrible to happen.

     They shook it off and walked up the street to the throne room. The massive doors were closed, no difference there, but they were locked. Percy sighed and Zoë backed up.

     Percy placed his hands on each door and got ready. He pushed with all his strength. In hindsight, probably not a great idea since both doors broke under the force, turning into nothing but sawdust and splinters.

     Percy shook his hand, before looking at the gods of Olympus. Zeus looked pissed about the door, while Hera looked unbothered. Poseidon looked happy, while Ares also looked pissed. Apollo looked like he was about to invite Percy out to a bar, while Hephaestus looked at him with no reaction, but seemed to be gazing intently at the smashed doors. Maybe he could do that thing he had wanted to do for a while now. Hermes looked on with confusion.

     Most of the goddesses looked on with the same expression, disinterest. All except 2. Aphrodite, who looked like she was planning on getting Percy into her bed. And Artemis, who was looking at Zoë with excitement.

     And of course Hestia was in the middle, also looking happy at seeing her favorite angel again.

     It was almost Zeus who spoke first, but Percy beat him to the punch. "Terrible reception you have. I mean, trying to tell me that Olympus was closed, when the doors to the throne room are so easy to break."

     "Olympus IS closed, and you shouldn't be here."Zeus said.

      "It'll be quick, if you help me out here."

     Zeus sighed. "What do you need?"

     "Jurisdiction to do whatever I want in your neck of the woods."

      "WHAT! NO! DENIED!" Zeus said. "And besides, you interfered without permission last time!"

      "Last time was different!"


      "I was in a body created by Poseidon, giving me permission-"

     "And then you lost that body!"

     Percy glared at the king, before responding in a frosty tone. "If you would let me finish my fucking sentence, you would hear that I was given jurisdiction by Hestia to fight in the war. With that ended, I need jurisdiction again!"

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