Prophecy revealed

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     Frank was glad that Percy had dealt with the cannibal giants. It made the trip from the house much easier than it could've been.

     Frank had woken up at his Grandmother's side. She lectured him on his family gift, confirming his suspicions. He could be anything. Living that is. Which was probably a good thing. Though it did take the fun out of the idea that he turn into a rock and Percy throwing him as hard as he could at Gaia.

     Hazel had apparently made him breakfast. After getting scolded by his Grandmother about her not being his girlfriend, she finally told him that she knew about his quest. She told him how they could get to Alaska. After that, he left her to fall back asleep. Hopefully she would pass peacefully.

     He took a quick shower before heading downstairs. Hazel was standing by the island, leaning on it. She wore jeans, a cream-colored jacket, and a white shirt. Her hair fell around her neck. She looked like she was ready for a casual day out at the mall or something.

     Percy, on the other hand, looked like he was dressed for a very formal event. He was wearing a new three piece suit with a red pocket square. The blazer itself shone like fire. Tiny people burning were embroidered on it as well. He wore black gloves that disappeared under the sleeves. The only jewelry he had was a blood red ruby ring on his left hand. On his ring finger. His wings were folded behind him as he sat. The only thing contrasting his formal appearance was the sword that hung on his side. Percy never wore a sheathe, but here he was with one. All in all, it looked like he was ready to kick ass, and look good doing it.

     He and Hazel were talking as Percy enjoyed a glass of something. He would take sips in between talking.

     "He's unkillable while in Alaska. We're going to have to drag him to Canada. Which is easy enough. But we have to release Death first, which makes this more difficult." Percy was saying.

     "What's going on?" Frank asked.

     Percy turned and smiled. "Ah, Frank. You're finally here! I was just telling Hazel here about how we are going to end this quest."


     "Like I was saying. Alcyoneus is unkillable in his homeland. Luckily for us, it's Alaska."

     "Alaska is the largest U.S. State, how is that lucky?" Frank said.

     "Ah, usually it wouldn't be. But the Giant, being the dumbass he is, made his base about ten miles from Canada. So I just drag him there, and boom, I kill him easily."

     "Don't we need god and demigod?" Hazel asked.

     Percy sighed. "I'm an exception. Greek rules don't apply to me. Typically. Perks of being an archangel."

     Percy took another sip of his drink. There was an uncomfortable silence before Frank started to talk.

     "Grandmother said that we can take the car. It's in the garage. There's an airfield a little bit North of here. A retired legionnaire works as a pilot there and he'll take us to where we need to go."

     Percy clapped his hands. "Well, let's not dally, shall we?" He said, getting up. He placed his cup in the sink and made his way to the garage. Frank and Hazel followed him.

     Percy entered the garage to see the car. He instantly let out a whistle. Sitting in the garage in pristine condition was a black '67 Chevy Impala. Percy ran a gloved hand along the side of the car before getting in the driver's side. He ran his hands along the steering wheel.

     "Frank, I'm gonna deliver your grandma to Heaven myself." Percy said.

     Frank and Hazel climbed into the backseat.

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