Massacre at the Doors of Death

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A/N. reviews!

"okay, question, how many wings does percy have? I thought both of his wings were cut off, but he is still flying sooo, how many does he have?-" -allisonj1008

He only has the two. Everytime he goes flying after his wings are cut off, he's flying like... well, how like a human flies when they are hit by a car going a hundred miles an hour. So he's not 'flying', he's... I don't know what other word to use, hence why I said flying. Sorry for confusing you!

""Lone white feather" you cannot put that in there and that feather not be important!" -allisonj1008

Could be a red herring. Maybe I put it there to make you think it was important, but in reality it doesn't matter at all.

Onto the chapter!

     There had to have been a million of them, at least. The horde stretched out into the mist, no doubt to the base of the Doors of Death, where the mist concealed them from sight. It seemed almost every kind of monster was present in the crowd. Everything from harpies to the Erymanthian Boar. Giant snakes, scorpions, crabs, they were all there.

     Percy cracked his neck and stretched his back, which kind of hurt since you know, he had two large cuts in it.

     "We're going to have to climb down." Percy said.

Percy and Famine climbed down the cliff's face. Slowly, they used the jagged rocks as footholds and handholds to scale their way down. Once they reached the bottom, they turned and faced the army. The monsters had their backs to them, facing the Doors.

"What are you going to do?" Famine asked.

     Percy grinned. His grin wasn't the normal cheeky one that made him look like a troublemaker, no, this grin was full of malice. It promised death and destruction. It promised a massacre. "I'm going to fight until I get bored."

     Percy knelt down and picked up a small rock. He tossed it into the crowd. The stone hit a hellhound on the head. It turned around, saw Percy, and let out a howl. The howl caused more monsters to turn around and see Percy. Within a minute, the entire horde was facing Percy. They didn't charge at him. They remained still, eyeing him with hatred.

     Slowly, the monsters began to part like the Red Sea, and a lone figure made their way though. As they got closer, his features became clearer. He was about ten feet tall, and wore black armor made of Stygian Iron with a single shining diamond in his breastplate. His eyes were blue-white and as cold as a glacier. His hair and beard were blue-white, with his hair cut in military style. He wore a helmet shaped like a bear's head. A massive sword hung off his hip, the size of a surfboard. The very air around it was cold, like it was a glacier. Grudgingly, his face was quite handsome despite the numerous battle scars in his face. He had the same silver eyes as Artemis, and the same smile as Apollo.

     His smile turned into a grimace when laid his eyes on Percy. He stopped at the edge of the army. He held his arms behind his back, like a cadet in the army in the movies. "Lucifer."


     "I assume Pallas is dead." The Titan said, his eyes flickering over to Famine.

     "And I got through Tartarus, too."

     "And now you're going to commandeer the Doors."


     "And you know I'm not going to let you."


     Koios's lips stretched into a smile once again. "Going to pull out your sword?" He asked as he unsheathed his own blade.

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