Pirate Problem (PP haha)

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A/N. Review!

"This was patetic, and I'm not talking about Hercules, but about Percy and Zoe, Hercules don't see his labors as a matter of pride but as jobs that he wasted his life doing it, and he does view immortality as a curse.

You simply did this because you wanted to show Hercules being humiliated, and show how powerful Percy and Zoe are compared to him, not because this was in character because it wasn't, at least be honest about it." -Shadowhunter2077

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Look, I'll give you credit where credit is due, you got one thing right. Hercules (in the myths and MoA), does see his labors as jobs he wasted his life on and he does view immortality as a curse. I know that. Do you think you're the first person to tell me that? But here's the thing. You are reading a little thing called FANFICTION. That means that I'm not following traditional myths and stuff. Did you miss the part where Percy is literally the Devil? Lucifer is not some loyal guy who peacefully rebelled against God. He's evil incarnate whose pride made him lead a war against heaven. What about the part where I made Annabeth join the titans in the last book. I didn't see you complaining then? Besides, with Hercules, I'm keeping his character consistent with how I characterized him in the 2nd chapter of the previous book. So yes, not in character with how he is in the original myths and MoA, but it is in character for how I made him.

Now, about Percy and Zoë, you are dead wrong. I actually didn't really want to do anything with Hercules at all. I wanted to just leave it at that he died and didn't get made a God. But then I thought about how people would react to that. So I came up with this instead. On top of that, I feel like that suited Percy and Zoë's character. It's definitely a lot better than how Rick did it in MoA. Where Percy almost fanboys over the guy. Also, I don't need to show how powerful they are, because that's been slowly building up over this whole book.

Anyways, hope you like the rest of the book.

Alright, onto this extremely late chapter.

     How were they captured by pirates? That was the thought that was running through everyone's heads as they were tied to the mast of the Argo II. The five demigods had only one small hope as the moon shone high overhead. Percy and Zoë were MIA. The pirates couldn't seem to find them.

     The pirates were dolphins. The five of the seven weren't surprised since you know, they were kind of buddy buddy with the Devil and all, but they had to admit, it was a new curveball. Some had bottlenose snouts, and others flippers. It was like a group of humans bred with a group of dolphins and these were the results.

     Except the main guy. The captain. He seemed human. They couldn't know for sure, since he was covered in gold everything. Armor, mask, gloves, he was covered head to toe. The only indication that it wasn't his skin was the holes in his mask for his eyes. His eyes were sea green, the same color that Percy often took for his own eyes.

     "Where are the two I sent to check the ship?" The captain said. His voice was rich and velvety. The five demigods were entranced by his voice. They could listen to it all day. Like ASMR.

     One of the crew members shrugged, before making a sound that sounded between a man's grunt and a dolphin's laugh.

     "Damn it. Do I gotta do everything around here?" The captain said. "You two, come with me." He pointed at two of his crew members. They walked below deck and entered a hallway with seven rooms. Three on the right side and four on the left. Each room had a mahogany door with a glowing name on it, indicating the owner of the room.

     The golden pirate turned to his left. The name was written in red. Leo. The man slammed the door open. The room was a mess. It looked like it was a bedroom turned into a workshop, like a dad's garage workshop. Screw, nails, tools, and machines were everywhere. There was a table in the center. No one was in the room.

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