Senate Meeting

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    “I officially call this meeting to order!” Reyna called. 

    The senate of New Rome had been called to an emergency meeting immediately following the private meeting of Percy and Reyna. It was best to move quickly, since you know, the end of the world was slowly being put into motion.

    “What is the meeting of this emergency meeting, praetor?” A senator asked. 

    “I’m getting there.” Reyna said. “Today, we had a messenger bring news from the gods.”

    “OBJECTION!” Someone in the crowd screamed out. “No one but I can communicate with the gods! And they have been silent for months! How can this newcomer possibly have contact with them?”

    The man who had spoken out reminded Percy a little bit of Luke Castellan. But like a Walmart version. He had blond hair and blue eyes, and the dude was built like a twig. He wore white robes, signifying that he had a position of power. 

    Percy rolled his eyes. “Sit down Octavian. These are matters above your pay grade.” 

    “Ah ha! How does this newcomer know my name? He’s obviously a spy, trying to take down Rome! He even looks like a graceus!” He spat out graceus like it was poison. 

    “I can assure you, I am not Greek. While I may have ties with them, it is not my intent to bring down Rome.”

    “You hear that? He has ties to graceus scum! And he could be lying! Praetor is with my humble opinion that you exile the spy, for the good of Rome of course.”

    Reyna pinched the bridge of her nose. “Octavian, settle down.”

    “But praetor, this is a matter of keeping Rome safe.”

    “And so is his being here!” She yelled, finally having enough. “He brings grave news of an army of monsters marching their way to New Rome as we speak. And he speaks of a quest, needed to free Death from the clutches of a giant in Alaska.”

    “But a quest like that would be far too dangerous. The senate would never let such a quest be finalized!” A senator. 

    Percy stood up. “I’m afraid that what the senate thinks doesn’t matter. This is a matter that the Gods, and powers above even them, rule on, so your opinions are null as of now. This quest has been ordered by Jupiter himself, and does anyone here want to question his ruling?”

    The entire senate hall was silent. 

    “Now, as for the quest itself. It is customary that three questers are chosen, am I wrong?”

    “No, you are correct.” A senator said. 

    “Good. Then I elect Frank Zhang and Hazel Levasque to be my questing companions.”

    The entire hall erupted in protests.Cries of “They aren’t legionnaires!” and “Those two are only on probatio!” and even a “Why would he want those cohort five’s?”

    “SILENCE!” He demanded. The entire hall went quiet, quiet enough to hear a mouse squeak. “My decision is final. Any complaints can be settled after the meeting on the Field of Mars, blade to blade. Any takers?”

    One senator raised his hand. 

    “I pity your soul, boy.” Percy said. 

    The entire hall was still quiet. At least until Reyna cleared her throat. “Well, I believe all that’s left is to vote on what we give to the questers.”

Return of the Disgraced ArchangelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora