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"Nobody said I wanted to stare at your butt again." I groaned as Logan flung me over his shoulder for the second time today.  "Would you rather see the back or the front?"

"Never mind.. I'm fine the way I am." He chuckled. "Disgusting." I muttered joining him in laughter.

"Off to the shoes we go!" He chanted as he obnoxiously stomped his way to Footlocker.

When we finally reached the shoes- a minute of obnoxious stomping later- he started looking through the shoes. "Um.. Logan? Are you gonna put me down so I can look or...."

"No, I'm not putting you down. Just look at the shoes you can see." I rolled my eyes. "Dude. Put me down." He shook his head.

"Did you forget if I position my foot the right way it'll go right up your-"

"Okay! Down ya go!" He said as he put me down. I hunched over in laughter. "Ya know, you never let me finish my sentence." He shook his head.

"You didn't have to.." He said and I laughed in response.


"Logan! Did you finally find a pair of shoes?" I asked. He popped his head up. "Yeah! Wanna see?" I nodded my head and he stood next to me, flashing his shoes.

I showed him my pair of shoes and he gasped. "Sneaker buddies!!" He screeched. "Why'd you have to pick the same shoes as me?" I groaned.

"Come on! We can be sneaker buddies!!!!"
"Fine. We can be 'sneaker buddies.'" He cheered and grabbed my pair of shoes. "I'll pay for both of our shoes okay sneaker buddy?"



Me and Logan are currently walking to the field. Well, he's walking and I'm on his back.. I don't know why he insists on carrying me all the time. At least it's a piggy-back ride this time.

"Hey guys!! Me and my sneaker buddy are here!!" Logan cheered. Everyone snickered. "Sneaker buddy?"

Logan lifted one of my shoes. "Yeah! We have the same shoes!" I rolled my eyes and out my foot down. "Okay! Thank you Logan.. Now, we're gonna run two laps for warm up, then huddle up and stretch. After you stretch, come to me. We have things to discuss."

After we all ran a lap and stretched, everyone was giving me their undivided attention. "Okay, so as you know, we have a game in a few weeks. Now, we still need to figure out our best players so I'll asses all of you. Now, form a line and be prepared. I'm going to be playing this time."

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