Vented Feelings

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Today is Sunday. One of two days I get off of school. It sucks to only have two days but I'll take anything I can get to be away. I put on a pair of sweat pants and a hoodie and trudged down the steps. I really don't feel like doing anything.

"Good morning love!" My aunt said with a cheery smile. "Morning." I grumbled.

"I made you breakfast." She said and motioned to the plate of pancakes and eggs behind her. "Thanks aunt Lily." I said and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and turned back to the stove, humming a song that was stuck in her head. I sat down at the island and began eating the wonderful plate of food my aunt made.

"Do you want to go somewhere today? We haven't hung out in a while. " I nodded, taking a bite of my second pancake. "When you're done with your food and getting ready we can go."

I finished up my last pancake and eggs and washed my dish. I thanked her again before going upstairs and getting in the shower.

When I got out I wrapped myself up in a towel and went in my room. I picked out a fairly nice outfit. It was a red shirt with black jeans. I sat in front of my mirror and brushed out my hair. I left it down. I took a deep breath and looked write myself in the mirror. I had bags under my eyes and they were still a little red from last night. With one last sigh, I put on some dark shades and went downstairs.

"You ready?" She asked. I nodded and went to the car, strapping myself in.

The drive was short and silent. She said she wanted to get a few outfits for herself and that I could get what I pleased. The first store we went to was forever 21. I didn't even know she shopped here. She parked the car and we went in. We didn't stay in  there for too long. Me and her are very similar, we don't like to take a long time shopping. We get a few things, check out, then do what we need to do.

The next store we went to was Victoria's Secret. She got a few bottles of lotion and I got a few bottles of perfume then we left. We never spend more than ten minutes in that store. It's way too expensive.

We then decided to go to Super Cuts. My aunt sat silently as she watched the lady style my hair. I asked for a shorter look, instead of my usually long hair. It's time for a better, simpler look. She cut my hair so it ended just at my spoilers giving me a Bob. I thanked her and gave her the money then we left to go to Walmart.

"So, I was thinking we should have some fried salmon and rice for dinner tonight. No, wait. We should have some rice and beans with meat. Yeah, that sounds better. Is that Okay with you?" She asked. "Yeah, sounds good." My voice was Horace and cracked from the lack of speech but I quickly cleared my throat and continued to shop.

When we finally finished shopping at Walmart we packed up the car and I drove home. I helped put all the bags in the kitchen and put them away. When we finished my aunt let put an exhausted sigh of relief and plopped down on the couch. I sat on one of the stools at the island in our kitchen and let my mind wander for a moment. I know my aunt had a fun time but I didn't. I didn't enjoy anything. I heard the stool next to me move and looked to my right. Aunt Lily sat beside me and examined me for a minute. I continued to look straight ahead. "What's been bothering you?" She asked. "Nothing."

"Don't give me that. I know you. You're my niece. Really, What's bothering you?"

I sighed. "Me and Logan were a couple."

"Awe! Sweetie! That's awesome!" I shook my head. "No it's not. We were a couple."

"Oh. What happened?"

"He cheated on me." I mumbled. "What?" She asked.

"He cheated on me." I repeated, this time a little louder. "Oh honey." She coed, wrapping here arms around me and stroking my hair.

"You really liked him didn't you?" She asked. "Yes." I sobbed. She ribbed my back and started to rock a little bit.

"It's Okay." She whispered. I shook my head. "He was my best friend. We went through everything together! I always knew he would very there for me and I was there for him! Then he left me for some bimbo and said we weren't friends anymore! After that we made up and we became something more! He was so kind to me! I knew it was too good to be true!"

"He isn't worth it Abrianna. He really isn't. I understand he was your best friend but you need to forget about him. I'm here for you.  I'll always be here for you love."

"Thank you." I said. She nodded. And for the first time in a long time, I stayed in my aunt's arms and cried. I cried Because I finally let everything out and my walls come down. I cried because I knew I couodnt handle this alone. More importantly, I cried because I lost my best friend and my aunt was there to comfort me. And she comforted me like my mother should have, but never did.

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