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"Sneaker buddy!!" Logan yelled out of breath. He ran that mile pretty fast. "Yes, Logan?" I asked. He put his finger up and crouched down, desperately trying catch his breath.

All the other guys came over and formed a circle around me. "Okay, does everyone know what position they play now?" I asked. Everyone nodded beside Logan. "What am I again?" He asked.

"Linebacker." I said. I new all his plays by heart. Of course he doesn't though. He nodded and I clapped my hands together.

"So, since we already got our practice in today what do you guys want to do? I think you all deserve a break." They all nodded. "I don't know about y'all but I wanna play a game of basketball for a change." Scott said. "No one's in the gym so why not?" I said as I raced Logan to the gym.

We played a few games and I stopped for a minute to go to the bathroom. Tasha made me wear makeup and I never took it off so I have to do that now before it bothers me even more. I washed my face and put my hair back up in my messy bun instead of a pony tail. I was back to my old self, Basket ball shorts and all.


"Hey, Aubrey." Matthew said leaning against the locker besides mine. "Sup." I said, not looking in his direction once. I'm too busy cramming my books in my locker to do such. "So, about the plans we had.." He started.

"What about them?" I asked, taking out my coat. "I'm going to have to cancel." He said. I looked up at him but nodded. I didn't respond, I walked out to Tasha who was waiting patiently for me.

"So, what happened?" She asked. "He basically blew off the plans he made." She nodded.

"I saw him ask this one girl the same exact thing  he did to you in Social today. He's a jerk." I nodded. Why do I like such a jerk? Why am I willing to change for him? He only seems to recognize me when I look and feel like  a Barbie doll.

Now I want this change more than ever. Just to prove to him that I can be feminine and maybe then he'll open his eyes and see something.

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