An Endless Wait

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This is a work of fiction, remember that. hope u guys like it!

An Endless Wait.

"Alice I don't feel good I think we should leave," I heard myself saying to the pretty girl next to me: my best friend, my sister, my love. Alice was short with brown hair, twinkling brown eyes and her stupid smile which had every guy running after her.

It was Christmas carnival and there were too many people to fit into our small school field. I felt a light pressure on my left shoulder and swiftly turned to see Juliette standing with a 'don't kill me after hearing this' expression.

"What?" I demanded in an extremely not required rude tone. Well I had the perfect excuse I was frustrated. And she said something that made my heart beat faster than it ever had. He wanted to see he was waiting for me.

While I was too busy being happy a small part of my head was trying to talk sense 'why was he here he can't do this he is not worth it!' But it was just a timid voice easy to ignore!

I ran, ran as fast I could trying to avoid the closely packed bodies I ran to him he was here and he wanted me just me, finally I saw what I was looking for, I saw his hair, the deep thick black curls which framed his perfect ( perfect for me) face perfectly.

The tall figure with his back towards me stood looking in the opposite direction. I opened my mouth to demand for his attention but before his name could escape my lips the earlier timid voice suddenly started yelling in my head and instead of his beautiful name the distaste full words "yes what?" slipped my lips. He turned and the moment I got a glimpse of the pain in the depth of his eyes I knew my Richard was back, the guy I had fallen for was standing in front of me.

He began speaking and with every word he said my world got more and more colourful.

"Natalie, I miss u! I miss our friendship and I want it to be the way it was" that was all he said and disappeared, vanished into thin air and my eyes flew open to the most beautiful, yet the most horrid dream yet!

As the realisation hit I felt the first tears of the day run down my face and there I lay in bed crying. The dream was too good to be real!


(A/N Please keep commenting and voting :)  

there are some songs added to some of the chapters, whose lyrics went well with the situation, i think, so check 'em out :) :) )

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