chapter 13

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I looked around, the canteen was almost empty now, I got up quickly.

"common get up and go, you are gonna be late, we already are" Richard was still sitting, still eating his pancakes calmly.

"fishy, u go I have PE next" he said while swallowing. "ohh okay" I smiled and turned towards building 4.

I was late, Mr. Samuels had already started the Chaucer reading we had for this week. Not disturbing his flow I quickly went and sat at my usual seat.

I started doodling on my notebook, I had already read this one so it was all the more difficult to concentrate.

my mind wandered away, so, I had a special new nick name 'fishy' after my fish wriggling the other day and somehow I liked the sound of it, it had special 'Richard Collins' feel to it, the chips were falling in all the right places and...

I felt something pointy and then the pain came "ouch, hey what? what u want to poke me death now?" I said to Alice in a subdued voice. she pointed towards a piece paper:

'we have a wee bit of problem'

'what?' I wrote

'Caroline' she wrote

'ohh god! Did Sam do anything again? we'll talk after class. Erase' I wrote and tried to concentrate on what was in front of me.

the bell rang, next was gym. I turned towards Alice 'I'm bunking the next class, get Caroline and Sam, tell them we need to talk this is going way off limits"

"okay, meet me in the parking lot in 10"

walking towards the parking lot I saw Richard. I saw Richard in his football jersey.

"how was PE?" I asked drawing his attention towards me.

"disappointing" he said and continued "what are you doing here? should'nt you be in smwhere inside studying" he said smirking.

"nea, I had gym so a bunk seems legit plus I had some stuff to clear out here" I answered

"everything ok?" he asked reading the worry in my expression

"well, not really" I paused "umm it Caroline and Sam, break up patch up drama, some stuff is going overboard this time"

"ohh" was all he replied

"anyway I gotta run" I said and started walking away.

I stopped, turned and yelled "Richard" he looked up from his studs "yea?"

"you really really look good in that jersey" I said and winked

"well, don't I always?" I rolled my eyes at his over confidence "thanks anyway" he said smiling.

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