chapter 16

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Me: hi

Richard dint reply, and that's how my boring Saturday began. I lazily dragged myself around the house, I had nothing to do, well I did have my homework but I did not want to do it yet.

"I need to get out of this house, get some fresh air" I wondered aloud. I slammed my laptop close and changed into a respectable looking outfit and picked up my phone. I dialled jake's number, he dint pick up, was he still avoiding me? I dint think of bothering Alice, she was probably with Mike.

Who else?

So, I found myself dialling jerkpid's number, I had coined the term 'jerkpid' a combination of jerk and stupid just for Kevin, it suited him.

"Hey Anderson, what reminds you of me?" I wondered if I would regret this later.

"Hey, Kevin umm....what you doing?" I asked, wondering how to bring it up 

"men's stuff. Why?" I narrowed my eyes

"Are you trying to get laid tonight?" I heard him gasp

"U know me, Anderson" I swear I could see him smirking on the other end "what do you need?"

"Umm I was wondering if...u know..Ummm...I was bored so maybe"

"You wanna go out on a date, don't you?"

"NO. Not a date" I paused and I knew he was waiting for me to speak "okay I just need someone to talk to" I said and froze. 

He remained silent for a while "and u think that someone could be me?" he asked, I heard doubt in his voice

"Yea" he was still silent "you know go out and get some fresh air"

"And why would I take so much pain for you again?" he asked

"Is that a no?" I asked confused

"No, I just need an incentive, some motivation"


"Not good enough"


"Try harder Anderson"

I did not believe I was going to say this, but I really did need someone to talk to "i'll put in a good word for you, with Rebecca" I knew this would convince him



"I'll be there in 5" and he hung up on me.

Kevin was a pain in my ass, but oh well at least he could entertain me for a little while. "I just hope I don't regret this" I said to myself as I walked to get some cookies.

'This is a bad idea' I thought as I walked out of my house. I could hear Kevin' horn. I quickly went and got into the car "sheesh, keep it cool on the horn"

Kevin was wearing blue jeans with a black t-shirt, the same shade of his black mid-night hair. Many girls at school found him attractive, well I wasn't among them, for me he was just a stupid jerkass! Without a word he started his engine and started driving north, away from the town. "Where are we going?" I asked trying to figure where did the road lead. "To the beach" Kevin answered and gave me a firm smile. "U wanna have something?" he asked

"No, I am not hungry" I lied and my stomach growled like a dying whale as if in protest. "Why are you being so nice?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"I can be nice you know" he said

"As if" I rolled my eyes.

I was sitting on a huge rock when my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was a whatsapp ping and it was Richard.

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