chapter 7

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"call 911" "call 911" "call 911" I heard so many different voices yell but I was still on my knees doing nothing. I was doing nothing to help the person that was the only family I had, I felt to weak, I felt too numb and then I passed out.

my eyes opened to see white, where was I? and just then everything came rushing back to my mind. I got up too fast just to realise my head felt the size of a football. "uggghhhh" I groaned, I got up anyway and ran outside. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Caroline sitting just outside "where's Alice?" I asked her. she looked as if she had been crying "she is in the ICU they are not letting anyone see her" she said "she is criti.." but her voice broke. "she is gonna be okay, stop crying" I said and ran towards the ICU tears already flowing.

"she is critical right now but she is gonna be perfectly fine" the doctor said after giving a detailed description of how much she had been hurt. I left room in silence, while they discussed something further. Once out, I leaned against the wall opposite to the door and slowly sunk down. I hugged my knees and closed my eyes.

I was still quietly crying when Richard came out and slid down next to me and sighed.

"are you crying?" he asked me

"no" I sobbed

he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him and gently rocked me, gently cooing me with reassuring and comforting words. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his neck and just let him hold me.

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