chapter 14

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After 4 weeks....

"Okay make one thing very clear I'll talk to you when I want to, or else am cool alright?" Richard said  

I just listened, quietly because I could not find my voice; it was stuck in my throat with the tears that would start flowing any minute!  

"Hm" was all I could manage as I closed my eyes to stop the tears from trickling down, and he just walked away.  

I walked back home, tears quietly trickling down my cheeks. I wiped them as soon as I was at the door and rang the bell.  

Tanya had been home for two days now, she was going to leave tonight and I could not break in front of here. 

I put on a fake smile and yelled "open the door already I am not getting any younger out here"  

"Hey" she said  

"So u want to go out before you leave?" I asked her 

"Not really" she said leaning on the door.  

"Okay cool" I said entering.  

We both went and lay on our bed and I turned my back towards her and started going back in time. 

Something was wrong with Richard, since yesterday morning, probably he missed Megan, his Ex, but there was something else also that was bothering him so much.  

He had been behaving very weirdly lately, sometimes he talked so nicely other times he sounded so rude and said hurtful things, but, had I done anything to angry him? I did not know!  

I felt the tears coming again "yea m making waffles for you" I said getting up, "get ready and come down u have to leave in an hour"

And then, my house was empty again, I went and sat in my mom dad's room next to the huge window, I loved their room, one wall had been completely removed and replaced but thick glass. I buried my face in my knees and I felt the tears coming again, this time they were harder to contain so I let them flow. My phone vibrated in my pocket.  

"Fishy u up?" It was Richard 

"Hm" I replied 

" really sorry for today" he texted.  

"Yea it is perfectly fine *HUG* u feel better now?"  

I was angry at him but it was better to just let it go.  

"Yea, but am tired so am sleeping. Goodnight *HUG*" 

"Ohh okay sleep well *HUG*. I replied and went back to staring outside the window.

I woke up after a restful sleep; my mom's bed was unarguably so much more comfortable than mine. I did not want to get up, but if I dint now I was going to be late. I brushed with my eyes closed, washed, got dressed and walked out.  

"Where were u all day yesterday" Alice screamed "I sent you 41 texts and 15 calls, are you nuts woman?" somehow I had seen this coming. "U know u really are predictable" I said trying to diffuse the tension "sorry ill tell u in break okay' I said to her.  

"Fine" she said and walked towards her next class.

"Yea so your turn to talk" Alice said biting her sandwich 

"hmm...its Richard" I said looking at her now "I don't understand him, he tells me what is bothering him mostly but sometimes it's just weird u know and its almost daily these days he is going to say something so hurtful and twelve hours later he is going come apologising, I mean I don't understand, all I do is ask what is making u so sad? And u hurt me so bad! Okay dude I understand he misses Megan but still" I paused to take a sip of my coke "and you know he has suddenly changed, I feel like taking his interview these days. He is going to message I ask him questions I don't know make him talk or what and when he is done he is just going to say good night and go and I fell like 'seriously dude?' he wasn't like this before and that all actually hurts but then I think at least he is opening up sharing stuff but I don't know, it just feels as if he is pulling away or something' 

"I don't know he is weird" Alice said too busy doing a PHD on her sandwich.

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