chapter 12

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"you won't tell me

For fear I'll follow soon

And you're tryin' to save me

From your past of bad decisions

But my decision's always gonna be

To follow you (To follow you)"

buzzzzzz, my phone buzzed, interrupting my singing, I was in love with the lyrics and I was in love with the band The script! 

I checked my phone and a smile lit my face 

it was Richard, "hey u up?" 

"yeaaa" I replied rolling my eyes. 

" sup?"

I enjoyed today" I replied

"yeea me to" 

"is everything okay? u don't sound alright " I asked him, I had a feeling something was wrong.

"yea..nothing just feeling a bit low"

"ohh why, what happened? :( u know u can tell me" 


"u sure?"

"yea I said na just feeling a bit low. I'll be okay by tomorrow, don't worry happens with me every night

btw ill talk to you tomorrow goodnight sleep well have a good day tomorrow *HUG*"

"umm..okay sleep well *HUG*" I replied confused

what was that now? I lay thinking, staring at the glowing stars on my ceiling, my ceiling was done in purple with glow in night stickers. Could I have done something? was he angry at me? but why? everything was okay sometime back? should I message him? 'oh god what the hell is wrong man'  while I was busy trying to find the answers to these question other questions took the forefront why am I so bothered? why does he mean so much? why is he so special? why am I attracted to him? and then the only question which I had an answer to, had I fallen for Richard? and I knew the answer was a yes and that scared me somewhere deep inside.

Probably sleep could not find me tonight when I needed it to find me so I got up, went downstairs made myself a cup of coffee and decided to watch a movie instead to while away the rest of the night!

 I woke up to a headache, I groaned pulled myself up and sat with my head in my hands . I had fallen asleep on the couch itself. I checked the time I still had half an hour to sleep, so I got up walked upstairs with my eyes closed and just fell on the bed.

buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my phone buzzed again I angrily picked it up but my anger washed away as soon as I saw it was Richard "hey goodmorning' have a good today :) *HUG*"

"hey goodmoring. how was your night? did u sleep well" I typed with my eyes closed. I was high on texting so I had been gifted with the ability to type with my eyes closed. Surprisingly.

well I wasn't getting any sleep so I considered getting up and getting ready instead. I took a shower,  got into my jeans and t-shirt, my hair was impossible so I tied them in a high ponytail and got out for school.

we were sitting at the lunch table when Richard said something that took me buy total surprise

"umm I was wondering what is it that people find attractive in me? i mean April and other girls, its beyond my understanding, I just can't understand"

 "u want me to tell u?"  i said looking down at my noodles.

"yeaa totally"

"umm, I don't know as per say but its something about you, you know you are like a human magnet, your caring nature, your pure aura, your personality, your looks obviously and a lot of other things" I said rolling my eyes.

"you are exaggerating" he said, flattered I assumed

"no not at all" I said smiling at him now

he smiled back it return "well thanks then"

I just nodded still smiling.

The world was such a beautiful place whenever I was with him.

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