chapter 5

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Richard is.." Alice said something which I could not hear over the loud music. it was the last performance of the battle of the bands and I was desperately waiting for the show to finish. personally I did not like rock music at all it usually gave me a killer headache like today.

"Richard is what?" I asked Alice

there had been no contact between me and Richard after that one message I just saw him with Juliette mostly but me and Maggie never found it healthy to intrude!

"Richard is staring at you. stop playing with your hands idiot" this time I heard her and my immediate reflex was to turn around and I saw Richard standing some humans away smiling! I gave Alice the I don't care look and continued my fish-wriggling! finally the show got over the I was free to go and make love to my bed.


the next day Tanya and I spent shopping for clothes, though I loathed shopping it was a good way to spend some quality time with my sister which I got so rarely. we were sitting in the ice cream parlour when suddenly Juliette walked over and sat with us

'hey what are you doing here' I was glad to see her it had been days since we both had talked.

nothing just hanging around hi Tanya u back from UCLA? she turned to my sister

"yep, just for the weekend" my sister smiled at her

ohh btw Richard told me to do this in front of u the next time I met you" she said while replicating my fish-wriggling from last night "what is it about anyway?" she questioned but before I could answer her she continued in her squeaky voice "oh I got to go now see u later nice meeting you Tanya".

"whose Richard?" my sister questioned me as soon as Julliette walked away

"just a guy in school" I answered and changed the topic back to her.

the next two days passed ever so quickly, time flies by just when you want it to stop.

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