chapter 21 : Epilogue

179 10 8

21 February

Dear some random piece of paper on my desk, 

Yes, I am writing something down, surprised enough yet paper? Two months already since Richard stopped talking to me, and I am quite glad to say that it went away, without me being too depressed or gloomy stuff. Hhehe lets not consider the first week. The thing isn’t that I don’t miss him, I miss him, quite a lot, but somehow his absence does not bother me. It is a huge fact that I never loved Richard, which cannot be ignored. But it was the first time yet, that I had actually, truly cared for someone which was rendered useless. I started caring for someone who stopped caring for me. I don’t blame him for that, he had a reason good enough, he did what was healthy for him plus, I never understood him, I never understood how he felt, even after trying my best I did not.

I just always wanted to be there for him, as a friend, just wanted him to feel he wasn’t standing alone in the dark alley, guess he never understood that. Richard always had two sides of him, the bright caring side, and the dark scary side. He, such a dumbass that he, is always chose to show people his dark side but frankly I consider myself very lucky to have seen him through his best and through his worst. Even though he always went on about what an ass he is, but I still think every small little thing affects him, just choosing not to show does not make him heartless. Isn’t it funny how, Richard proved to me he did not care for me, I still think of him as the guy I talked to the very first time. The caring one. Even today I believe the sweet part still exists in him, scared to come out and get hurt. I guess the first impression is the last impression because I know that was the guy Richard actually is, just hurt too many times, to wear it on his sleeve anymore.

Sad as it maybe, I am still waiting for him, still waiting for him to come back and make things right. A part of me still tells me that Richard will make things right because that is who he is. But somewhere I even know he won’t, because that will make him feel like an asshole, which he definitely is. It’s a gut instinct and it won’t go away, so yea for now I am stuck at a dead end on An Endless Wait. 


(A/N) that’s all :) thank you for reading. A special thanks to Akeeksha. Tavishi, Rachit, Sanya, Kartikey, Malvika, Ishi, Apoorva, Nitisha, Sumedha(my friend), Sumedha(my sister) Anamika Di, who inspired my characters in some way or the other. These people have made my life liveable, Thankyou so much guys I really owe you people alot.

Shrey bhaia- even though u are not in the book, i just wanna thanku for just being there :) same goes with Sumedha Di.

This is again just a work of fiction, built up by me. My readers, well u people are awesome, :D thank you all so much, hugs to all :) Keep voting and commenting Thank you :) )

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