chapter 2

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Another day. This was just another day in my upside down highly messed up life.  

I got up, pulled myself together, took a deep breath and hoped for a better day. This is me Natalie a too average teen for a highly melodramatic life.

I hurriedly washed as I was already running late got dressed, combed my hair into a messy bun grabbed my bag a sandwich and took off for school!  

I groaned as I saw the clouds outside couldn't it be sunnier for one day. The darkness seemed to escalate more and more upon me with my every step!

"Hey! stop" I heard the voice I could recognise even in complete darkness and turned to see Alice trying to get a hold of her books and bag running clumsily towards me.

"What?" she questioned my frustrated expression "even watching me run wasn't good enough to make u laugh?"

"Yea totally I said" and helped her arrange herself.

"What is it?" she asked "don't lie to me now. One thing am good at is reading your face" she said as she texted back Mike.

"Hey hey nothing. It's just my dreams, nightmares" I corrected myself with a shrug!

"Oh that" was all she said and we started walking as it started to drizzle and I wished it would start pouring.

'Umm...I sort of had an idea about the Christmas carnival" Alice said and continued without a word from me. Christmas was round the corner and me being the head of the organisation committee was responsible getting everything done nicely and in time.

As we reached school our friends greeted us with hey's and hi's Alice reciprocated them cheerfully while I stood silently, desperately waiting for this to end. "Alice listen" I heard Jake yell waving at us by his side walked Caroline looking fallen out of a magazine hot with her micro minis. Finally I was surrounded with people whom I could be me with. 

'So listen guys' I began talking being the centre attention in our group of 8 people. "Jake Caroline I need you to get the stalls up and plan the whole thing out Kevin Rebecca" I paused to smile at the happy couple "GET THE FOOD DONE'' I said pointing at the pizza in Kevin's hand. "Alice I need you with me for the posters" everyone nodded one by one "ok so its December 21 today we have 4 days left, let's get this done guys!"

The rest of the day passed away in a blur and there I was sitting again with a plate of lasagne in my forever alone house. My family consisted of me and my iPod. It had almost been a year since my parents had gone away to Australia and my sister to UCLA so it was just me myself and I.

I finished my food, took a shower and got into bed soon. The clattering of the rain drops didn't let me sleep and I lay thinking straining pondering over each and every minute detail trying to figure out where it all went wrong, where it all changed to a point that it stopped and it turned around.

An Endless Wait.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora