chapter 4

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"who is that guy with Juliette?" I asked Maggie.

"it's Richard" she replied

"Richard who? Richard collins?" I questioned her with an awe-struck expression.

"yep isn't he kinda nice looking?"

"yea totally, are they umm..?" she immediately understood the direction in which my words were headed.

"no no just good friends. he's two years elder to us"

"hmm...okay" was all I said as I finally finished my pre-show practise.


"it's you its decided you are selected YOU ARE GETTING THE SCHOLARSHIP" Alice whispered in my ear just before the show was about to end. "uhh huh and how do YOU know that?" I questioned her with one raised eyebrow"

"mike knows one of the judges personally" she told me with an overconfident voice.

I hugged her tight and said " thank you iloveyou" before going on to the stage.


missing my parents was an inevitable part of my life. I was missing them I needed someone to celebrate this with. with the forever alone feeling I decided to while away some time before going to bed. I logged into my facebook account just to see so many congratulation messages. I began the monotonous task of typing thankyous when I noticed one from a person quite unexpected, it was from Richard. I immediately called Alice to tell her Richard collins congratulated me and said that I deserved it. I immediately replied with a thank you, after all I was flattered and went to bed after that.

the next two weeks passed away without much notice I back into the tiring schedule of my life and the next upcoming big thing was the rock competition "the battle of the bands" which our school was hosting

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