chapter 11

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"shit" my eyes flew open and I got up too fast that it made me dizzy, "shit, shit, shit, why, why today of all the days?" I got off the bed and the winter breeze made me shiver.

I looked around warily looking for my slippers, where were they? I bend down to look under the bed, they were there deep, deep under the bed, well too bad I had no time to dig them out. I walked barefoot towards the washroom and all most shouted "fu.." as my right foot banged with the desk, I was literally jumping up and down with my right foot in my hand.

what a perfect start to a horrid day!


"what are you wearing for the evening?" Caroline asked me as the four of us sat on the same table "ohh I forgot who am I asking" she continued when I dint answer.

"so Richard" Alice asked "will you join us for the party today? its umm.. we're celebrating this comet Emily's comet which comes after every 120 years"

"ohh...that interesting, ya sure I'll be there" he smiled and in return to his smile Alice smiled at me and I winked back at her.


"drink, drink, drink, drink, drink" everyone cheered as Matt did the keg stand.

"Natalie, hey" I heard a ringing voice greet me. I turned around "hey April" I said.

April was chubby but not fat, she could qualify as cute.

"hey Natalie, umm is Richard coming?" she asked me

why is she asking that? my mind questioned but I quickly sidelined it "umm yea, he said he'll be here" I said in a doubtful tone "oh there he is" I said smiling looking at Richard who just walked in.

He looked at me and smiled.

"okay thanks" April said and went away to stop Richard halfway.

I turned my back towards them so as to avoid staring at him.


"hey" he said with a sigh 'FINALLY', my mind began working towards trying to remember his voice.

"hie" I replied "what was that about" I asked my eyes pointing towards April who now surprisingly had an extremely disappointed expression.

he also looked at her and rolled his eyes "i'll tell u in sometime"

"okay" I said. he grabbed a beer and said "let's get away from this noise?"

I just smiled, nodded and shrugged my shoulders. I had butterflies in my stomach but my mind was still busy wondering about April.

we walked away from the cheering voices towards the Wickery bridge.

"u know I once fell down from this bridge as I child" I said

he started laughing "oh really? and how did that happen?" he asked

"yeaa I was walking over the edge" I said almost laughing now.

he smiled a big smile and I was too busy adoring it to notice the silence that befell on us.

"yea so the answer to your previous question, April sort of asked me out" he said scratching his head with a confused expression on his face.

"can I laugh?" I asked, almost chortling now. "yea all u want" he said and I burst into laughter.

"yea that will be enough I think" he said after 2 minutes of watching me laugh and smiling himself.

time passed pretty quickly and I dint realise how we went on from laughing to talking, discussing Richard's messed up life. Thats when it dawned on me how hurt he actually was.

An Endless Wait.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя