Chapter 16- Retreat

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The new set was going to be... interesting. A lot of us were panicking, we were trying things we've never tried before, and I'm not entirely sure this set was going to move us up.

We stepped onto the stage, dressed in gold. We danced around, being dramatic. We brought the props out as I watched John and Gale. They were frowning. We paused.

"She's on fire!" Amy shouted.

I brushed my fingers through my hair stressfully. This was not going well.

On the bus ride home, I plugged in my earbuds while I wrote songs for me and Andy. I've wanted to give Beca a song to see if she liked it, but I've been too nervous. The stress Chloe was putting her under was sort of getting to her.

"Are we just going to ignore what happened back there?" Chloe questioned, startling me. "Guys, hello? The Worlds are literally right around the corner and you guys are acting like we didn't just eat a big bag of ah!"

"Why are you yelling at me? I was almost burned to death because of you aca-bitches," Cynthia-Rose snapped.

"You almost died because you were standing in the wrong spot," Amy retorted.

"No, Flo flipped into me!" Cynthia-Rose argued.

"Sure. Blame the minority," Flo said sarcastically.

"I'm black, gay, and a woman," Cynthia-Rose mumbled.

"I'm not pointing the finger at anybody. It was legacy's fault," Amy said.

"Me?" Emily questioned.

"Obviously, we're not going to beat Das Sound Machine at their game. So, we need a new plan. Like, now. At times like these, there's only one thing for us to do," Chloe explained.

"Fake your own death and flee the country," Flo guessed.

"Close. We're going on a retreat," Chloe announced.


"A retreat? To where?" Andy questioned as I packed a light bag.

"Chloe said it was a surprise," I said. "It's a good thing for us, I believe. It'll help us gain our sound back. Right now, it's like we're back in high school and we're just joining the amazing world of acappella."

"Agreed. The guys and I are worried about you guys. The last performance was completely not you. It was like another group had possessed yours," Andy explained.

"Chloe wants to beat DMS. We want to beat DMS. We just need to get up to their level." I tied my hair up in a ponytail. "What do you think?"

"Did you gargle saltwater?" Andy asked.

"Of course." I nodded.

"Did you say bye to Don?" Andy asked.

I paused, bowing my head in defeat. "No, I didn't. I'll say goodbye to him before I get on the bus."

"I love you, sis," Andy called as I rolled my suitcase down the hallway.

"I love you too," I yelled back.

I set my suitcase by the bus and ran over to Donald. He was helping Benji with the bus. I stood on my tip-toes and kissed his cheek, surprising him. He grinned, grabbing my hips and kissing me lovingly.

"You won't be gone long, right?" Donald asked quietly.

"I hope not. But I'll have my phone on me," I assured him.

"I love you," Donald stated, giving me a loving gaze before kissing my forehead.

"I love you too," I replied, kissing his pulse before walking away with a smile.

We drove a couple of hours to a small camp. The bus doors opened, Emily the first one to step out.

"This place is sweet," Emily commented, grinning.

"It's nice, right?" Chloe agreed.

"I need to find somewhere to charge my laptop. How did you hear about this place?" Beca asked.

"From yours truly. Hello, Bellas."

"Aubrey!" we said, running over to hug her.

We crushed her in a group, muttering 'we missed you's and greetings.

"Welcome to the lodge of fallen leaves. Where Fortune 500 companies send their employees to build teamwork skills," Aubrey explained.

"You run this whole place?" Beca asked in surprise.

"You know, I realized I had a knack for barking orders and bending people's will, so I made a career out of it. Which reminds me, fall in line, Bellas!" Aubrey commanded. "No slouching! No straggling! I see you, Jessica! It is with great sorrow and regret that I had to watch our once-proud organization become a national disgrace. The Worlds signifies a shot at redemption. You don't have a chance at winning until you find your sound again. You have totally lost your harmony! So, for the next two days, you will be doing everything together until you regain it. Ladies, get ready to be transformed. You are surrounded by the strength of your fellow Bellas. And the support of a proud female tradition, and a few dozen bear traps, so don't stray too far from the marked paths. Okay, let's go!"

"Well, maybe I'll just get a hot shower, maybe a little foot rub," Amy explained.

"Fat Amy, there are no guest rooms for you." Aubrey frowned.

"Then where are we staying?" Amy asked.

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