Chapter 20- Reunion in Brooklyn

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A plane ride is not normally fun for me. People look at me, wonder why I'm in first class when I'm in a hoodie and leggings, and then glare at me as they move to coach. Right now, wearing a comfortable suit, I haven't got one look.

I was on my way from Chicago to Brooklyn. I felt like I had the best life after graduation. Donald and I moved in together, we got married, I'm six weeks pregnant...

I frowned at my work experience. I almost hated it. I had to practically flirt with guys to get a sale. And some of them would stare at my chest the whole time I talked. Some were respectful, listening to my every word, but others would try to chat me up. It made Donald mad, to say the least.

I texted Donald when I got into the New York Airport, assuring him I was safe. I grabbed my luggage from the baggage claim. I took a taxi to the hotel. I was taken up to my room, a small room with a single queen bed. There was a bathroom and closet as well.

A FaceTime call made me smile. I answered it, placing the phone on my bed as I unpacked.

"Come on, I wanna see your beautiful face," Donald whined.

"Can I look presentable?" I asked jokingly as I changed my shirt.

"You're my wife," Donald deadpanned.

Just him saying that made pleasurable tingles go through my body. I shuddered, smiling as I laid down on the bed in a fresh shirt.

Donald's messy hair slightly surprised me. He usually had it neatly combed and had product in it if it was necessary. His lazy smile made my heart skip a beat. His glasses were off, probably tangled in the messy sheets that were on Donald's chest.

"There she is," Donald beamed. He noticed my outfit. "Is that my shirt?"

"Probably." I shrugged.

"How long are you going to be gone?" Donald asked.

"I'm not going back tonight," I replied with a smile.

He mouthed a couple of curses, turning back to me. I giggled at his pleading look. "I love you, but I'm not getting on a plane right after."

"I love you too," Donald sighed, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Come on, smile," I urged him.

He finally smiled, making me giggle and roll my face into the pillow. I winced at the pain that surged through me. I rolled over on my back, noticing that Donald's smile fell.

"I wish I would've come with you." Donald frowned.

"You really think you should've come when the whole point of Bellas was not to be with a Treble? It'll cause a lot of drama. Especially because Aubrey's going to be there," I reasoned. "I'll call you if anything happens, and if you need something, I'll always have my phone in my purse."

"I love you," Donald said, blowing a kiss.

I grabbed the air and placed it on my heart. "I love you too."

Donald ended the call. I rolled over, facing the ceiling in a huff. I checked the time. The reunion was in half an hour. I should get ready.

I wore navy blue dress pants and a white button-up without sleeves. I put on a navy blue jacket, buttoning the bottom so the bump would be less obvious. I pulled my hair into a half-up, half-down. I added my Bella scarf and slipped on velvety navy blue heels.

I was ready.

I took a rental car to the Brooklyn Aquarium. I heard screaming and found the girls hugging each other.

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