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Brie POV

I took a vacation away on my own to clear my head. Did I actually break up with Dean? I don't know why I did it. My heart was shattered seeing his face just thinking about it makes me wanna cry. But I'm not going to. I think I'm drained out already.

I relaxed just taking in the sun. It was so beautiful. I honestly wouldn't mind moving here.

Dean POV

Nikki sat beside me. "Honestly Dean. I don't know why she did it or what made her do it. But give her some time to think. I'm sure she'll come to her senses." She smiled and got up.

Brie POV

I sat down in the most comfortable robe. It was so warm. I had some juice in my hand whilst reading a magazine. But the problem that's been on my mind. Is.. that. I'm Pregnant.. Yes it actually worked.

But... I want to fight at Wrestlemania. I want it to be my last match. I can't tell anyone. I just can't...

Dean POV

I stared down and the engagement ring twirling it around. What did I do wrong? I tried to be a good Fiancé a good Father. But yet. I'm always punished. Brie, is my life. I honestly can't live without her. 5 years ago I would think Women aren't anything special to me. They're just to bang and drop.

But with Brie everything about her makes me smile like a dork. Becoming a softy and hold her in my arms when she needs comfort. Everything about her is perfect even her feisty side. I find it hot. Even if she can be annoying. I find it funny how she threatens to chop my fingers off if I go any lower on her tattoo.

Brie POV

I laid in bed. I feel empty. No one beside me to cuddle too. I miss his voice, His laugh, His eyes. His Dimples. He looks so cute with them. I love his beautiful laugh. I just miss him. But I don't know. What to do. ..

I'm pregnant with his kid and he doesn't even know. Do I tell him before Wrestlemania? Or After Wrestlemania?

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