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Brie POV

He dropped his clothes. "WAIT WHAT?" I was fiddling with my fingers. His eyes were burning through my skull. "You're still gonna fight aren't ya?" I didn't want to respond because he knows the answer is Yes.

"Brianna, Are you that Stupid?" I looked up at him and glared. "Don't you ever call me stupid. I know what I'm doing" I got up going face to face to him.

"Oh really? Well if you have a Miscarriage because of it. Don't come crying to me" he grabbed his bags and stormed out. I stood there heartbroken.

Nikki POV

Roman and I were at the Hall of Fame. Brie didn't want to come and Dean had signings to do. "Roman, Nikki. Do you have a Moment?" "Shoot away Byron" "Are you guys both excited for your Wrestlemania match tomorrow?" "I am extremely excited. I get to fight with my Sister. With little B in our corner. That is a dream come true" "I'm very proud of my Wife." Roman kissed my cheek. "How about you Roman? You're up against the Beast. Brock Lesnar?" "What can I say. I deserve this match because I earned it. By tomorrow. You're gonna be looking at the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion" he winked. I smiled as we walked off to take our seat.

Brie POV

I was laying in bed. My eyes were all red. I haven't really been training and no one knows I'm like this. I hate being alone. "Well at least I have you" I looked down to my stomach and rubbed it. "I love you" I closed my eyes. Tomorrow is Wrestlemania.


I took a shower and grabbed my bag. I made it down to the lobby hoping to hide my face. When I bumped into someone. Dean. He looked at me. I didn't know what to do. He held his hand out. I can't be a bad fiancée. I took his hand. He pulled me up and grabbed my bag. We haven't said a word to each other.

He shoved it in his rental car and opened the passenger seat for me. I hesitated but got in. He closed it shut and got in the driver's seat. The drive was silent.

I felt his hand go on my knee.  He gave it a light squeeze. I looked up slightly through my hair. "Please be careful" he said in a worried tone. I nodded and leaned my head on his arm.

We arrived. I took my bags. The nerves hit me. I swear Dean can hear my heart pounding. "You're gonna be ok" he kissed me. I got changed into my special made attire just for Wrestlemania. I had my hair and makeup down.

Afterwards. I went looking for Dean.  He was sat out looking around with no top on. I stood in front of him. He was eyeing my outfit and looked up at me. "You look beautiful" he pulled me down on to his lap. "Good luck" I kissed him.

We had to go back since they were letting the fans in. Dean shoved his tank top and jacket on. He shoved the cap on my head making me giggle. The Intercontinental match was first up. I gave him a tight hug.

"Win or Lose. You will have some fun tonight" I winked. He smirked. "I can't wait." His music played. He kissed me one more time then left, As a soon to be Wife, I worry about him. He's the crazy unpredictable guy.

Harper power bombed Dean through the ladder. I put my hands over my mouth. I was in tears. Bryan Won.  Fuck him.

When they brought him back with the Doctors behind. I hugged him. "I don't care if I'm injured I'm still having sex tonight"

I smacked him on the chest. "That's all you can think about?" "I love you that's why, and your body" he winked. He was completely clueless that he was getting stiches done as he complimented me. I grabbed a wet cloth and started wiping the blood that was dripping down his neck. I pecked his lips.

I helped him up. He had his arm around me. I had my arm around his waist for support. He sat in catering where Nikki and Roman were. "Damn Ambrose. That was a nasty hit you took there from the ladder" Roman said. "I've had worse" he shurgged.

"Nikki what are you doing with that bucket?" "I'm bored so I'm decorating it" "Can I see it?" "Sure" I puked in it. Dean was holding my hair up rubbing my back. "BRIE!" she screamed. Roman, was chuckling. "I think that's what she thinks of your artwork Nikki" Dean started laughing. "I think I'm fine now. Here" I shoved it at her. She made barfing sounds and shoved it on the floor.

Our match was next. Dean helped me clear up. "This is your last match. Make it memorable" I nodded as a tear escaped. "I really gonna miss WWE." "You can always come back" "I'll be too old by then. My time is up"

He gave me a weak smile and kissed my forehead. "I love you" "I love you too" he hugged me tightly and passed me my Belt. My Music played. Nikki and I walked out. I held my Divas champion up and did the Bella booty shake with her.

I walked down with it on my shoulder. Nikki pulled me into a side hug. I put the Belt down. As we flipped in to the ring. I picked my Belt up and raised it up.

Dean POV

"Why are you worried?" Roman notices. I sighed. "She's pregnant. And she's making it her last match." "And you let her fight?" "We did get into an argument. But I gotta respect it" "Let's hope she doesn't get hard hits"

During it. She was knocked off and thrown into the steps. Just her luck. Aj put Nikki into her submission, the Black Widow. She tapped. Aj and Paige won. Brie, came to Nikkk side holding her shoulder as Nikki carried her Belt for her.

We got up to see them. I hugged her. "I don't care if we lost. It was a honour having a Wrestlemania match with my sister" she looked at her. Nikki smiled at her. Sister moment. They hugged. "How's your shoulder?" "I can move it now" "I know how to make you feel better" I whisper. She shoved me. "You're so dirty Ambrose" she giggled making me smirk.

Next Day.

Brie POV

Everyone was so buzzed after Wrestlemania especially Seth cashing in. Dean held my hand as we walked in to have a Baby scan.

I laid down. Dean was pacing around. "Hey, everything gonna be alright" I assured him. He nodded and held my hand. The Nurse came in. She smiled.

As she looked on the screen. We could see it. "The Baby is fine and healthy" "How far?" Dean asked. "You're almost 5 months" "WHAT" We both screamed. "I've been fighting at 5 months. And I'm not showing. That's sorta worrying" "Don't worry Miss Colace. It happens to quite a few women. I'm sure you'll start getting a little baby bump during the 5 months."

I calmed a bit. She printed off the scan for us. "Have a lovely day"
We left. "Dean.. Our Wedding in 4 months" "Don't worry. You'll pop it out before then" I giggled at that.

"I finally get to call you Mrs Good and say you're mine" "That ring will prove you're a taken man and no one can have you but me" he smirked at that. "I love you" "I love you too soon to be Mrs Good" he pulled me into a kiss. I can't wait to Marry this man.

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