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Brie POV

"What you doing?" Dean jumped on the bed. "Nothing. Just reading a magazine." "Ow I sat on something" "This is Nicole bed I'm on" He moved picking up something. His eyes widened.

"NICOLE!" Dean called as he smirked. I laughed. She walked in and sat on my bed. "What?" "You let me lay here, read a magazine and you had your Vibrator right by me under your sheets. She quickly got up and grabbed it. "If you have time to do that, you have time to-" she threw it at me. "Don't. Ew. Dean get it off" "It's been in your sister no thank you" I pushed it off with the magazine. "Oh my god now I have to wash it" she picked it up. "I'm so disgusted right now" I laughed.

"Don't sit on my bed then" "I won't" "I also used it last night" Dean and I quickly shot up. "EWW" "And your bed too" "NICOLE" "You're welcome" she walked out. "I'M SLEEPING IN DEAN ROOM NOW" "FINE BY ME"

I rolled my eyes. "I get to see this beauty then" He whispered. I smiled giving him a kiss. "BRIANNA HURRY UP WE HAVE RAW." "Urr the nerve on this girl"


"Ready Nicole?" "Show time sister" We made our entrance. Nikki gave me her hat. I placed it on as she went agaisnt Natalya. I cheered her on. Paige tried to get involved. I started screaming at her. She threw me into the barricade. I smacked my head. Everything went by fast. I snapped back in reality when I heard the Bell ring. And your Winner Natalya.

Nikki helped me up. "Brianna. You ok?" "I'm fine" "You sure" "Yes Nicole. Go and see your man" I smiled. She giggled like a school girl and wandered off.

Dean ran to me. "Brie. Are you ok?" "I'm fine" "You layed there unconscious for a bit. It look like the Bell brought you back." "I'm fine" I got up and fell into his arms. "Woah. Brie. You're feeling dizzy. Come on. Let's take you to my locker room" he carried me there and layed me down giving me a ice pack. "Thanks" "Anytime Princess" he kissed my forhead.

"I have my ambulance match. You gonna be ok?" "I'll be here watching." He walked off. I sighed and sat up getting changed into something more comfy and layed back down curled up in a blanket.

Dean was in extreme pain holding his knee. I gasped and looked away as he screamed in agony. 2 sister Abigails. I couldn't look. Bray won. I fell asleep afterwards.

Dean POV

"Are you ok Bro?" Roman went with me to the Trainers room. "I'm fine. Doesn't hurt that much now" "How's Brie?" Nikki came in panicking. "Help me" "What's wrong?" Roman ran to her. "He wouldn't leave me alone and he tried to kiss me" "Who?" I asked. "Seth" Me and Roman looked at each other. "Don't worry. He won't go near you" He calmed her down.

I jumped down. "I'm gonna check on Brie." They nodded. I limped my way to the locker room. I opened it to see Bryan kissing Brie. All my anger built up I grabbed him and threw him out closing the door shut.

Brie POV

I heard the door opening. I woke up slowly. Someone lips crashed on to mine thinking it was Dean I kissed back. When I opened my eyes it was Bryan. I pushed him off. "What the hell" he kissed me again. The door opened. Dean walked in. Shit. He literally threw him out and slammed the door shut.

"What the hell Brie?" he snapped. "I dozed off after your match and I heard the door opening. He kissed me I thought it was you but it was Bryan I tried pushing him off. But I'm just weak at the moment. I'm sorry" I admitted.

He calmed down and sat beside me. "It's fine, he took a chance to take advantage. How's your head?" He sat beside me wrapping his arm around me.

"I got a headache. But how about you and the knee?" "It's fine. Not hurting like it was out there"

Next Day

Main Event.

"Again. Really?" I whined "Yes Brianna. Come on" She had a match against Paige.

Skip match.

I jumped on the ropes distracting Paige. Natalya grabbed my legs and pulled me off. I fell on to my back smacking my head. Nikki got distracted. Paige took the advantage and did the Rampaige. Getting the win. I sat up slowly holding my head.

We made it backstage. I dropped to my knees. "Brianna?! Someone help" Nikki shouted. "Brie?" It was Dean. A medic came. "Brie we need to have a look at you" Dean and Nikki helped me up.

They checked everything. "The many smacks to your head caused a concussion. You're gonna feel light headed and possible sickness"

I groaned and buried my face into Dean chest. He was rubbing my back.

"We can give you something for the headache" "I'll take anything" Dean chuckled at that.


"You gonna be ok?" "I guess. It's just a concussion nothing bad." "Brie if you smack your head again it can cause a memory loss. I don't want that" "I don't either" I sighed. "Don't worry princess. I'm here for you" He kissed me.

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